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To quote 9/11 Muslims I have spoken to.

Islam apparently legit teaches as such as so many Mudslimes hold this belief.

DISCLAIMER - I don't mean in the Quran ofc, but its taught to muslims since they are toddlers throughout the middle east, and even in a lot of mosques in the west.

To quote 9/11 Muslims I have spoken to. Islam apparently legit teaches as such as so many Mudslimes hold this belief. DISCLAIMER - I don't mean in the Quran ofc, but its taught to muslims since they are toddlers throughout the middle east, and even in a lot of mosques in the west.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

I see you're a fan of history. Yes, the middle Eastern population was doing very well with math for instance. Until Islam came along and shit all over their parade. 7th century inbreeding became very popular. The modern-day Jew, I don't think that is who they say they are. Jews were all so subjected to him breeding, mainly due to their isolation for centuries in the Caucus mountains. I didn't mean to make you think that I said the wheel was invented by Africans, I meant that white men delivered it to Africa. Like I said, I can respect a man's opinion.

[–] 0 pt

More like a fan of Civilization games and then I read more about such things on google.

I generally don't like the whole 'Out of Africa' nonsense and while geographically Egypt is in Africa, the people there are much closer to whites than they are to blacks.

Islam has fucked up most of the middle east now, Egypt and Iran included.

[–] 0 pt

I've read some of the papers, I'm not a scientist so I tried. The ancient Egyptian pharaohs, were of white European descent. I have no doubt that DNA found its way into the local gene pool. Islam is a political ideology not a religion. Islam was founded by a warlord, in order to take over the world. A historical map, from the moment of foundation until now, you'll see he is succeeding even in death.

[–] 0 pt

Right, Islam needs to impose political rule via Sharia law, and all such countries that have adopted that have turned to nothing but barbaric hell holes reminiscent of their murderous warlord founder.