They could have used more of his regular speaking voice for his memoirs rather than the political rally speech mode, an example of conversational voice is here (copied link to pull up the 6:14 minute mark)
I like Emma Watson's. (
I know she's a raging liberal but I'm pretty sure if I had a week with her I could turn her into a pregnant submissive house wife.
"I can fix her".
She has a nice voice, plus it must drive her insane to know that people deep faked her reading Mein Kampf.
I would certainly try. Women are easy, give them the opportunity to be a wife and mother, nurture a desire to cook and bake, give them children, eliminate social media and toxic vapid friendships from their lives. This works on most women that aren't completely beyond saving (coal burners, single moms, ones that are absolutely used up.)
The best one yet. Really excellent!
One of these days I'm gonna give Mein Kampf a read.
Whats the best English translation though? I have heard some arguing about this in the past, anyone care to weigh in?
I would say it would be best to ask a German, but they aren't allowed to read it.
We need this guy, right now in every White country. \o
This is amazing. Bravo.
(post is archived)