The history of white people is very interesting. Many dont look beyond the past century, millenia or past the Roman empire. Many think we sprouted out of the earth in the lands we now live in completely oblivious to the lives our ancestors lived, their legacy and our birthright. The entire ancient world owes whites respect as much as the modern world does. We mistake the ancient wonders in the middle east as creations of the people who now inhabit those regions ignoring how it was the Aryans and Scythians who created it all and how it was stolen from us as semetic people invaded and backstabbed us.
I am convinced that what is happening today is so effective because it has happened many times in the past, not through accident but through calculated maliciousness by the same party over and over.
Frankly we are incredibly blind to the past as whites trusted their historians and ignored jewish meddling. we allowed the lie of the holocaust to be told in order to not hurt the feelings of the people who murdered their cousins in Europe. Nationalists also have a mistaken love and hatred that blinds them to the scope of our ancestors achievements.
Historians today lie daily when they use the bastard term 'indoeuropean' or 'proto indoeuropean/pie' when they know full well that it was the Aryans. They lie about the Aryan goths and call them barbarians. Our history is bastardized relentlessly.
The Asha Logos 'our subverted history' series is an amazing look into what has been subverted. Highly recommend watching it for anyone who hasnt.
(post is archived)