I'm not insulting you. I found your reply hilarious. That's what the typical mossad agent would reply from his Tel-Aviv cubicle.
Actually, those faggots love to bolster their own image. The vast majority of the finger pointing aimed at the ones you call "Jews" is done by the very same "Jews" you describe.
Chutzpah is the word they use. It explains their narcissism. They're very convenient useful idiots.
Cain ate Able
Cain Able
Cannibal n.
Etymology Cf. French cannibale. Columbus, in a letter from Oct., 1498, mentions that the people of Hayti lived in great fear of the Caribales (equivalent to Eng. Caribbees), the inhabitants of the smaller Antilles.
Canaan Baal
Canaanbaal (cannonball?)
(post is archived)