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But Bill Farley, an archaeologist at Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven, says the paper has not provided evidence that an advanced civilization existed during the last ice age. The 27,000-year-old soil samples from Gunung Padang, although accurately dated, do not carry hallmarks of human activity, such as charcoal or bone fragments, he says. Archaeological records show that the transition from hunter-gatherer societies to complex societies occupying large settlements occurred after the commencement of the Holocene 11,700 years ago. The oldest known city is the 9,000 year old site of Çatalhöyük in what is now Turkey.

This man is an idiot. Charcoal and bone fragments are not the kind of evidence of human activity an advanced civilization leaves behind.

The big thing archaeologists like him are missing is the recurring global catastrophe that happens about every 12,000 years.

> But Bill Farley, an archaeologist at Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven, says the paper has not provided evidence that an advanced civilization existed during the last ice age. The 27,000-year-old soil samples from Gunung Padang, although accurately dated, do not carry hallmarks of human activity, such as charcoal or bone fragments, he says. Archaeological records show that the transition from hunter-gatherer societies to complex societies occupying large settlements occurred after the commencement of the Holocene 11,700 years ago. The oldest known city is the 9,000 year old site of Çatalhöyük in what is now Turkey. This man is an idiot. Charcoal and bone fragments are not the kind of evidence of human activity an advanced civilization leaves behind. The big thing archaeologists like him are missing is the recurring global catastrophe that happens about every 12,000 years.

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts (edited )

They also produced electricity and transmitted it wireless. Nikola Tesla reproduced this tech but was stifled by bankers.

The big thing archaeologists like him are missing is the recurring global catastrophe that happens about every 12,000 years.

What OP, who is a homosexual BTW, is speaking of is the Younger Dryas event. For all the uneducated niggerkikes in the class. e; Oh also some jewpill time; The only reason that dating the Great Pyramids to anything other than 4k years ago is bad and unacceptable is that it destroys the jew lie that jew slaves built them.

[–] 7 pts

Well, you can't publicly uncover jewish lies, that would be antisemitic.

[–] 2 pts

Well, you can't publicly uncover jewish lies, that would be antisemitic.

... I seriously had an amazingly well written reply with over 30 sources and many well-substantiated claims and rebuttals but then I realized, I don't give a fuck.

[–] 3 pts (edited )

Part of the confusion is that the biblical timeline has been corrupted too. When people look back at an invalid timeline and determine if an event happened or peoples existed, of course it will invalidates that position. Because that event or peoples didn't exist/happen/occur at that point in time. Thus allowing for a new narrative. Precisely as Orwell repeatedly explains.

The falsification that the Earth is 6,000 years old is spun specifically to cut off all ties to ancient history and of course the corresponding people's history. Yet people who do not believe this timeline knowingly use it to invalidate events and people placed upon it (circular corruption). Which in turn helps undermine biblical events and history. This in turn allows Jews to claim they are a people they are not, whereby all comparisons are then placed upon people of a false linage. (I pointed this out in an exchange with Robert Sepher, who then bowed out without further reply.) Which in turn paints an entirely different picture of history, culture, lineages, and inheritance. This is one of the huge problems with research on Jews and biblical events. Most people take the position that Jews are who they claim to be and therefore, all comparisons, including genetics, are in relation to their claims. You, in fact, do this, demanding we must believe Jews. Which means, most people, including you, demand the starting position that Jews are ultimately who they claim to be and therefore, all contrary evidence must be ignored. It makes it difficult to have meaningful discussions, especially when most people don't realize this is their defacto starting position. After all, Jews claim it so all evidence to the contrary is clearly wrong (your position and why you last blocked me).

The oldest known swastika is estimated to be 15,000 years old, from Ukraine. It also appears within the Great Pyramids. And endless other locations and cultures. This symbol is associated with the people we call Israelites, Hebrews, Aryans, Scythians, and many, many other peoples who clearly originate with a common stock or origin. In turn further lending to some basis of truth in the five root races. Additionally, we know a global reset occurred roughly 11,000-13,000 years ago. It's documented in the bible and just about every surviving record. Yet even though this event is documented in the bible, biblical "scholars" insist we ignore everything to forcefully align them on a 6,000-ish year timetable. Ignoring the fact that more biblical books have been lost to time than exist today.

[–] 0 pt

Don't know about that. Especially since it is muslim egyptologists that are the most adamant proponents of the classical hypothesis.

[–] 1 pt


Like I said: jews, fucking retard. Go away.

[–] 0 pt

So muslims=jews? I know there is evidence that jews created islam to go after Christianity, but I honestly can't figure out how in this modern and complex world you can conflate the two? Unless you've got that 85 iq?

[–] 0 pt

Wireless electrical transmission isnt quashed by "muy bankers", it's quashed by basic physics.

When distance doubles, EIRP decreases by the square. E.g. if Tesla's crappy omnidirectional transmitter is outputing 100 watts at a distance of 10', at 20' it's only outputting 10 watts. This is OK for radio communications where you can manage with a signal strength in milliwatts, but it's useless for delivering power across broad areas.

[–] 0 pt


Why moving the goalposts? I spoke of something in the past, many decades ago. You talk about it as though it's now. Don't lie. Nikola Tesla was orders of magnitude smarter than you or I or the sum total of poal. https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=XU49FSIx0_g

Research vanished after death under mysterious circumstances.

His research THEN was stifled by, prevented by jew bankers specifically the rockefellers.

Glowies LOVE(d) his research and still do but can't figure most of it out still.

Just because humans now are too retarded to figure it out does not mean they weren't then and 20k years ago. If you're so delusional you think humanity currently is the most advanced it's ever been you're a bigger nigger than boone. We can't fathom how many structures were built using seamless single stones weight dozens, 100+ tons each. Yet they exist and were built by humans.

[–] 0 pt

I spoke of something in the past, many decades ago. You talk about it as though it's now

Physics hasn't changed.

Nikola Tesla was orders of magnitude smarter

He was also batshit insane later in life when he went all in on death rays, wireless power transmission, and becoming BFFs with pigeons. Intelligence provides no value without sanity and reason.

Research vanished after death under mysterious circumstances

An argument from ignorance is a fallacy. It's akin to arguing "Dan Cooper disappeared with sacks of cash, maybe it was aliens!" Theoretically possible? Sure. But it's evidence of jack all.

Just because humans now are too retarded to figure it

Intelligence doesn't overcome physics. Double the distance, square root the power.

does not mean they weren't then and 20k years ago

They could have also buried ten tons of gold in my back yard, but I'm not wasting time digging based upon such scant evidence.

We can't fathom how many structures were built using seamless single stones weight dozens, 100+ tons each. Yet they exist and were built by humans.

This has eff all to do with EIRP decreasing at the square of the distance.