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[–] 8 pts

The Marine Corps hymn starts with 'From the halls of Montezuma (Mexican-American war) to the shores of TRIPOLI (rescuing American seaman kidnapped by Barbary pirates to be sold as slaves)'.

[–] 8 pts (edited )

This makes me think perhaps all of the competition between the turkish world (arabs and jews) and the european world, boiled down to how best to control and shape the female energies of each civilization.

If it is the masculine drive to lead in all things, including the household, then the question is: is it better to be feared or loved?

Us europeans answer: it is better to be loved, and then built an entire civilization on greek ideals, and romanticism (the roman/imperial system, masculine virtue, worship of beauty, etc).

The turks answered: it is better to be feared, and then built an entire civilization of slavery, stoning women, honor killing, martyrdom, masculine sacrifice, and worship of warlordism/vital force, and male hierarchy.

I suspect europeanism, as a metaculture, is doomed, because what we have built, time and again, degenerates into ineffective, and dysfunctional matriarchy, if not in name, than in practice.

All of civilization rests on the balance--of masculine and feminine energy (psychology and culture), and the channeling of reproduction either into eugenic or dysgenic patterns.

Again and again Turks have adapted, without losing their essential identity, and kept their metaculture largely intact over thousands of years.

Europeans have not.

[–] 6 pts

Harsh punishments for pedos is where justice starts because they're the ones pushing degeneracy.

[–] 1 pt

The media is pushing faggotry

[–] 2 pts

If any form of liberalism is allowed to take root and be nurtured the civilization is doomed. It takes men without compassion to stomp it out whenever it rears it's ugly head. We of European heritage are empathetic. It's why we domesticated wolves. It's why we trust our neighbors. It's ultimately our downfall because our enemies know our weakness and do not share it.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Turks always went hand in hand with Jews. When Turks massacred the population of an area, Jews were accompanying them to profit from the slave trade (and participate the torture of Christians). Here is a recent post I made.

Turks have adapted by kidnapping children from white populations and giving them a Turkish identity, which is why so many of them now discover that they have Greek or Slavic DNA. They never kidnapped children of gypsies or blacks, as they considered them of lower quality, but instead kidnapped the children of whites to improve their genetic profile. This continued well into the 20th century.

[–] 1 pt

Excellent post H3v8.

Only gripe is the use of the word "cowards."

Violence is never by its nature, cowardly. This is the confusion of language.

They were not cowards.

What they were, were Monsters.

Genuine real life boogiemen.

Remember the passage about the synagogue of satan, and never forget that moniker.

They're devils in the flesh and I wouldn't be surprised if none of them have a soul.

[–] 1 pt

People are so dumb to upvote this filthy Turk loving garbage post.

Us europeans answer: it is better to be loved, and then built an entire civilization on greek ideals, and romanticism (the roman/imperial system, masculine virtue, worship of beauty, etc).

Europe had slavery. Europe had way harsher death penalties than stoning. Europe has tons of martyrs. Patriarchy has always been a part of Europe. 30+ years of Marxism doesn't represent the entire history of Europe.

What have the Turks accomplished in the world? What have the Turks given the world? And what has Europe done for the world? It's a joke to even compare.

[–] 0 pt

What have the Turks accomplished in the world? What have the Turks given the world? And what has Europe done for the world? It's a joke to even compare.

About time someone challenged a post of mine. Don't stop now.

[–] 0 pt

This is great and bears pondering.

[–] 0 pt

Turkroaches are also heavily inbred and rape little boys. I'll take my chances not embracing their degenerate kike-derived culture.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Turkroaches are also heavily inbred and rape little boys.

In a society that throws gays off roofs and/or lights them on fire and/or cuts off their heads.

Sounds to me like israeli propaganda.

They always accuse their opponents of what the zionists are guilty of.

I'm not buying it.

I don't have to like mudslimes to know a lie when I see one.

[–] 0 pt

Uhhhh lol seriously? You never heard of Bacha Bazi boys? This is a well known phenomenon. All sandjews, like their beloved jewish brothers (who they share >50% DNA with and have been allied with against Whites since the beginning) rape kids. They are identical to jews in every single way except browner.

Sandjews are gay as fuck.

[–] 6 pts

Those pictures are pure propaganda! Everyone knows that mudslimes prefer little boys.

[–] 4 pts

The ragheads and niggers will fuck anything that will stay still long enough to get the dicks in because ALL brown "people" are feral fucking animals.

Brown "people" ARE the problem. Brown "people" HAVE ALWAYS BEEN the problem. Case in point... fucking history.

[–] 1 pt

The Turkish sultan had a harem with girls and another harem with boys.

[–] 5 pts

This explains the older view of the pirate as a terrifying figure like a werewolf, or vampire. These slave trader pirates wouldn’t just sack your town and steal things. They would carry your women and children off to a life of slavery and rape. I’d be surprised if people in coastal towns didn’t sleep with guns and swords next to them—legal or not.

[–] 5 pts

Enslaved Icelander Describes Horror of Ottoman Slave Market (1627) // Diary of Ólafur Egilsson.

Slavery—the Fruit of Jihad, Part 1 of 2.

Slavery—the Fruit of Jihad, Part 2 of 2.

[–] 3 pts

Book suggestions? This is fascinating.

[–] 2 pts

Don’t think that this won’t happen again

[–] 0 pt

The force multiplier of modern firearms make it highly unlikely.

An armed society is a polite society, which is why we must use the guns on whoever tries to take them away.

[–] 0 pt

Yes! YOU get it! Finally,folks are starting to come around.

[–] 0 pt

And then the government rolls tanks into your community, declaring you as a terrorist and completely annihilating your family.

Look at WACO as an example.

[–] 1 pt

They would have less power if we stopped giving them our sons.

[–] 1 pt

Sandjews have ALWAYS been jews' greatest allies. Their feud is FAKE AND GAY.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

I wonder if those villages in Iceland were raided by jew slave ships (((flying an arab flag))) on their way back to Murmansk?

edit: I meant Amsterdam.

America is heading towards another civil war eventually. Its just a matter of time.

[–] 2 pts

Shit too...it that were to ever happen, it would've happened by now.

Nope, too many fucking soyboy pussies and lazy millennials nowadays.

[–] 0 pt

If there is a war it won't be brought against the government by the people, but rather it will be the people fighting against enslavement by a tyrannical power. Governments have become far too powerful to organize against.

[–] 0 pt

Ok, whatever...but that implies a 'fight' of some kind, which the soyboy pussies and lazy millennials will NEVER take time away from their phones and video games, and can't be bothered to "fight" for anything, much less their own freedom. These cowards love never leaving the couch and are "afraid" of everything, even their own shadows, that's why these pussies have no problem with the covid bullshit, it's means they never have to leave their grandmother's couch again, and they're getting paid for it.

[–] 2 pts

Or we just impose super harsh penalties on pedos and corrupt bureaucrats.

No need to try to get everyone to sign up for your fed watchlist.

[–] 1 pt

How do you impose super harsh penalties on pedos and corrupt bureaucrats when every politician is a pedo and corrupt bureaucrat?

Who are you going to write a strongly worded letter to?

No need to try to get everyone to sign up for your fed watchlist.

If you're not on this list, you're part of the problem

[–] 1 pt

It's not one solution, it's many.

Step 1... relentlessly point out the pedo problem. Society isn't quite there, yet.

[–] 1 pt

Why our ancestors didnt genocide the jews can be traced to Christianity and its protections it put on jews.

Christians were forbidden from enacting revenge.

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