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[–] 7 pts (edited )

Sitting members of federal government should have their pay capped at no less than twice the national average, and be prohibited from investing money in stock trading.

[–] 1 pt

LOL, as if the majority of their current salary is wage taxes at all. This does nothing about the legalized bribery we call "Special Interest".

[–] 1 pt

Let's introduce a bill for that, I'm sure they'll all vote in favor.

[–] 0 pt

Right after they vote on term limits for themselves.

[–] 1 pt

and be prohibited from investing money in stock trading.

This is something I think every American can agree on. Would it even make it to a vote? Literally all of them do it

[–] 0 pt

Probably enough powerful people benefitting from various angles that it wouldn't make it to a vote. Kind of like term limits. Wildly popular -- even many long term Congress people supposedly support them -- but nothing is ever done. On that issue, and this one, I'd say that clearly the people who "want" these regulations, don't.

[–] 1 pt

That's a good start, but may I also suggest they be made eunuchs and given hysterectomies?

[–] 2 pts

Really? Remove any investment in the future from them?

[–] 1 pt

Remove THEM.

[–] 0 pt

The opposite is preferred. Require them to be married and have natural born children.

[–] 7 pts

It's all about the incremental change. They make another small adjustment, barely increasing it a little more, and then hit us with a big distraction right after. This didn't used to be as easy back in the day, but with the 24 hour news cycle, low dopamine levels across the board and the inability of anyone involved to realize anything beyond what they're trained to compute, there isn't much going for people realizing it. You have to hammer it in to someone's head that their wealth, hell the entire economy, is being extracted. Otherwise, they simply don't understand what's being said to them. They think it's just another fee they're supposed to pay because everyone else is doing it. Back in the beginning, the only real noticeable tax was a small sales tax on alcohol and tobacco. There were some tariffs too. Boy, things sure have changed. Now we have all sorts of different taxes and for many things that are hard to believe. The catch is that tax law isn't that hard to circumvent and practicing attorneys who do just that are in high demand and used without doubt past certain wealth thresholds. So, in short, no one pays taxes unless they're too poor to hire someone to do their taxes or diversify their portfolio much.

[–] 2 pts

Actually it's blatent bait and switch. The 16th amendment (income tax) required a supermajority to pass. It was wildly popular. Imagine that. People seriously believed the rich were going to pay!

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Wildly unpopular ideas can gain a lot of support by starting out directed at those most perceive as their enemies. If the FBI just came out and said, "We're going to monitor everyone's cellphone and internet traffic" there would be zero support. However, if they say they're starting a revolutionary surveillance program targeting child porn and terrorism they suddenly find themselves with widespread support. The Trojan Horse is still an effective strategy.

Back in the day when Reddit was free speech they brought Ellen Pao on board and she started out by banning subs like /r/jailbait. She was smart. She knew it was an easy target that nobody could really object to. Nobody significant could come out and say "we support people's right to look at sexually suggestive pictures of underage girls" even though it was completely legal. Anybody who saw the writing on the wall and objected was labeled a pedophile. She knew damn well that's what would happen. She started there because she knew it would be accepted. Acceptance of the principle is the biggest hurdle. Once the principle is accepted, changes to its application are seen as small things and almost always face little opposition.

Don't feel superior, because even most people on voat and poal are susceptible to this subversion. Check out how many people say they are for free speech but then also say we should kill or imprison communists. That kind of thinking is like the recovering alcoholic who says "I can drink beer because it's not real alcohol." Freedom of speech isn't freedom of speech if there are things you're not allowed to say. Freedom of religion isn't free if there are religions you're not allowed to believe. Until you're ready to fight for the principle of freedom, which means defending the freedom itself no matter who is exercising it, you don't really support freedom.

[–] 0 pt

In your utopia maybe. In reality the freedom you give to those that aren't on the same civilised page as you, will use it to fuck you up and conquer your stuff.

[–] 0 pt

Too bad it didn't get a majority vote.

[–] 5 pts

Keep in mind that absolutely nothing became of the panama papers. Honestly surprised we even found out about it. Somehow somewhere an actual journalist must have slipped through the cracks of the media

[–] 0 pt

Crap i cant even remember what was in them. Wasnt it heavily redacted? what was it about again?

[–] 1 pt

Basically, rich people use lots of tax loopholes, some legal and some not.

[–] 0 pt

That was the problem. Mostly it was all amount numbers and no names.

[–] 0 pt

Something happened, one of the lead journalists was murdered.

[–] 2 pts

And Social Security was originally VOLUNTARY. jews have destroyed the American Dream.

[–] 1 pt

It actually still is. You'd just be relegating your child to a life of insane inconvenience. Or so they'd have you believe.

[–] 0 pt

You can't work legally without paying Social Security tax unless you have some other state-run retirement plan.

[–] 0 pt

Right. I said a life of insane inconvenience, did I not? There's jobs you could find but the large majority would probably not consider you.

Even that though... That's an ASSUMPTION I have. Not a fact.

[–] 0 pt

If you have a real job, they automatically deduct it from your pay

[–] 0 pt

You misunderstood. You HAVE to opt your child out of it when they're born. But you CAN keep them out of the system.

You also won't be able to claim them on your taxes if you do so.

[–] 0 pt

How is it voluntarily?

[–] 1 pt


Here's an excerpt:

>Parents have been led to believe that Social Security Numbers must be obtained for their children before they can be claimed as little exemptions on a tax return. Once again, the truth within the Law prevails over the popular mind set. There is no law requiring you to give Social Security Numbers to your children. Whether or not they get one should be up to them, not the parents. The Social Security Administration website states that you don’t have to get an SSN for your children:


[–] 1 pt

Great point. Thank you for your service, sir.

[–] 1 pt

That's some pure red pill shit right there.

It's a perfect example of how the government starts with a tiny step and extrapolates to the rape it is today!

"It's just 15 days to slow the spread."

[–] 1 pt

On the other hand, we have idiots on minimum wage protesting that guys on 400k a year shouldn't have to pay more tax

[–] 0 pt

Why should they? Why should any American pay income tax?

[–] 0 pt

Well we've been inundated with every form of worthless 3rd world nigger since then.

You think brown "people" are just going to pay for themselves?


They keep telling us that our taxes go for roads, bridges, schools, etc. - yet our roads are still bad, our bridges are still falling apart, and our schools are still turning out idiots. But the OPPRESSED brown "people" are still driving Mercedes and Lexus with rims that cost more than a taxpayers car, still wearing expensive ass shoes, gold jewelry, gold fillings, and still receiving THOUSANDS of dollars in EBT every month.

Gee, I wonder where the money is going? Pull your heads out of your asses and realize that ALL our TAX MONEY goes to fund the brown "people" lavish "lifestyles".

You quote these figures about the "1913 income tax", but keep in mind we weren't paying for a shit ton of useless brown "people" (with thousands more coming every day), in 1913 because America was mostly WHITE PEOPLE.

Stop feeling sorry for these BROWN PARASITES, they ARE NOT OPPRESSED, they NEVER WERE, it's an EXCUSE TO KEEP STEALING from the bleeding heart WHITE BUFFOONS that actually believe that bullshit!!

Brown "people" ARE the problem.

Brown "people" HAVE ALWAYS BEEN the problem.

Spread the word.

[–] 0 pt

This is a word for word tweet by ben shapiro.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Actually SCOTUS ruled and agreed it only covers corporate activity. Meaning legally there is no such thing as personal income tax. Officially it is 0% of the people. Additionally, it never legally passed and ratified. So technically, it's not even legal on corporations.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

But muh Republicants will save de day! All politicians are scum.


[–] 0 pt (edited )

All of it is always about killing competition. Anyone who could naturally rise up are a threat, and they use these methods to keep them squashed. Look at all the "regulation" laws, which are basically tools the corporations who can remain compliant use for keeping new businesses from starting. Income tax hits the hardest workers the most. It benefits the lazy welfare recipients and the upper elites while keeping the middle-class worker burdened. Minimum wage laws keep people on welfare and prevent anyone from becoming an apprentice. They would rather have them sit on their ass at home than get paid for what they are able to do.

All these abhorrent mechanisms keep everyone suspended right where they want them, basically a class system.

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