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Context is important. Have the stones to do what needs to be done.

Eddie Adams wasn’t trying to make a statement when he took the photo, which went on to win a Pulitzer. In fact, he resented how people interpreted it without knowing the full context. Most Americans had no idea who Nguyen Van Lem was or what he did.

South Vietnamese Police Chief Nguyen Ngoc Loan was Lem’s executioner and a friend of the colonel he had murdered. He later immigrated to the U.S. and faced deportation due to being accused of war crimes, but Eddie Adams always vouched for him and apologized for taking the photo.


The sole survivor of the family Nguyen Van Lem murdered was Huan Nguyen, who was only nine at the time. He later immigrated to the U.S. and went on to become the highest ranked Vietnamese-American officer in the military when he was promoted to the rank of rear admiral in the US Navy.

Context is important. Have the stones to do what needs to be done. Eddie Adams wasn’t trying to make a statement when he took the photo, which went on to win a Pulitzer. In fact, he resented how people interpreted it without knowing the full context. Most Americans had no idea who Nguyen Van Lem was or what he did. South Vietnamese Police Chief Nguyen Ngoc Loan was Lem’s executioner and a friend of the colonel he had murdered. He later immigrated to the U.S. and faced deportation due to being accused of war crimes, but Eddie Adams always vouched for him and apologized for taking the photo. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FA71kbJUYAIhTlO?format=jpg&name=small The sole survivor of the family Nguyen Van Lem murdered was Huan Nguyen, who was only nine at the time. He later immigrated to the U.S. and went on to become the highest ranked Vietnamese-American officer in the military when he was promoted to the rank of rear admiral in the US Navy.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

So probably closer to nine grams after all. I can only speculate as to whether he was using the US M41 or a civilian heavier round. I have only a vague memory of loadings back then since I was always much more into 1911s, but I seem to recall something around 150gr as a FMJ target load for 38S&W. Probably right, US military supplied ammo since clearly a US S&W. Any way you figure, one dead deserving piece of shit. (Funny you used a reference to a Mak load for a 38 execution. We have some really strange people here in case you haven't noticed. I bet you read books and shit....)

[–] 0 pt (edited )

I was using it as a reference to known and commonly used execution method used for the purpose of obtaining justice "without lowering ourselves to savagery." In Russian terms, this was known as "mercy".

If I had been referencing a common US methods, I probably would have something about a "hemp necktie" or "riding old Sparky".