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Kind of a mind fuck when you realize this.

Prior to his election Roosevelt had promised he would NOT put the USA into World War 2. Republicans said he was lying and would. After election Roosevelt secretly plotted to ensure Japan would attack Pearl Harbor. (previously secret documents prove this as described in the book "Day of Deceit')

Churchill was also a giant tool of the jewish bankers and ensured the Balfour declaration to create Israel would happen.

Its really wild when you realize we sided with the Jewish communists who had overthrown the white Christian leaders of Russia and murdered them in order to defeat the one man, Hitler, who had successfully extricated his nation from the control of Jewish bankers.

Kind of a mind fuck when you realize this. Prior to his election Roosevelt had promised he would NOT put the USA into World War 2. Republicans said he was lying and would. After election Roosevelt secretly plotted to ensure Japan would attack Pearl Harbor. (previously secret documents prove this as described in the book "Day of Deceit') Churchill was also a giant tool of the jewish bankers and ensured the Balfour declaration to create Israel would happen. Its really wild when you realize we sided with the Jewish communists who had overthrown the white Christian leaders of Russia and murdered them in order to defeat the one man, Hitler, who had successfully extricated his nation from the control of Jewish bankers.

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

"Then, with the stage set, the international jew placed their own stooges, well trained and groomed from childhood, as the heads of nearly every country over the course of a few decades. --Hitler"

How is that, he served front lines in WW1, got wounded, studied art and decided to rid his people of the Jews. That doesnt sound like "trained and groomed by Jews" to me.

[–] 4 pts

and decided to rid his people of the Jews

He didn't, at least not at first. He came to that opinion slowly and with hesitation. We know now that, at least at first, he had a number of jews serving him as advisors, in his military, etc.

It is possible he knew something we didn't (apostasy is a thing amongst jews), but don't forget that, of those who go rogue, a purge of their brass is always on the menu (Hitler's is supposedly the Night of Long Knives; Mao/Kim Jong/Stalin famously had ones too), so these jews were known and allowed to stay.

That doesnt sound like "trained and groomed by Jews" to me.

The biggest evidence is that he was allowed to be elected at all. Germany was a global haven for jews since around the end of Wilhem's reign, and their primary method of maintaining control of a 'democracy' is through false elections. This isn't a new concept to us - faked elections in America go all of the way back to Lincoln's election in 1864 (jews used the same mail-in plot we just saw this year over 150 years ago) (washingtonpost.com).

This is how they keep control of their vassal states, and Germany, as Britian, was their vassal state at the time. Hitler wouldn't have been *allowed* to win if he wasn't okayed by them.

[–] 2 pts

In a way, he tried to "work within the system to defeat the system" until he decided it was time to do his own thing.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

Fact is, we really don't know that much about his childhood. His ancestry remains in dispute and some tie him to the rothschild family as a bastard.

Take, for example, Merkel. A documented communist who likely would have seen war, had it been forced. War builds public credibility; politians actively seek it out. His story also establishes professional victim status. Obviously this doesn't mean he's a stooge. But there really isn't much to take it off the table either. Btw, Merkel can be tied to Hitler.

Ultimately it doesn't matter. He was willingly or puppeteerd into resuming WWI, resulting in the holocaust of 60 million Aryan and 40 million Christians. And the destruction of large swaths of our history which completely destroy Jewish credibility and their false claims as israelites. And the transfer of Aryan wealth and land to jews. His actions are now the gold standard used to hoist professional Jewish victim status and now we're not allowed to criticize them. At all.

The Jews knew where he was post-war and was permitted a cozy retirement with death of old age. The Jews were more than happy to afford him a comfy retirement. All the while they purport to be vicious nazi hunters. Confirmed bullshit if your name is Hitler.

Additionally, if Hitler was on the up and up, he wouldn't need a secret agreement with the US and Britain. Especially since he was time magazine's man of the year. After MSM extensively built him up. At this point, the Rothschilds already controlled enough MSM to manipulate the public. Thus American entry into WWI.

If you believe it's cut and dry, Jews are still controlling you.

[–] 2 pts

I think you're a schizo.

[–] 1 pt

He was willingly or puppeteerd into resuming WWI, resulting in the holocaust of 60 million Aryan and 40 million Christians.

Actually Hitler resisted war. He didn't attack first. France attacked first.

And the the usa was constantly attacking german ship without declaring war. Hitler didn't not actually declare war on the usa as history books say. he went to the usa and begged and pleaded for the usa to stop warring against germany. Only when they wouldn't did Hitler reluctantly acknowledge the usa defacto declaration of war against Germany. Read the actual diplomatic communication

[–] 1 pt

Jews frequently project.

[–] 0 pt

Nobody cares what you think.

[–] 1 pt

He also believed in theosophy which was spoke about by madam Blavatsky(spelling). The group he started the national socialists with, the founding members were also apart of another group that was all about theosophy.

[–] 1 pt

His ancestry is NOT in dispute. Hitler may have been a lot of things - he certainly was funded by big money interests (knowingly or not) but definitively was not jewish or a rothschild bastard - his whole family genealogy has been known since at least the 80's, yet many have never seen it or completely ignore it by continually propagating the 'big lie' of der juden.Link - Hitlers family tree (carolynyeager.net) What i find more interesting and worthy of investigation ins that after ww1 he became a fcking spy working german military intelligence and was tasked / encouraged - or whatever to join the fledgling NSDAP.

[–] 0 pt

If you believe that's the final word, you've never made an effort to research.

[–] 0 pt


Its a huge stretch to claim Hitler was a Jewish plant.