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[–] 2 pts

It's actually kind of annoying and ironic that "the right" idolizes this guy so much. All he did was briefly scare the monstrous kikes that ruined his life, and he fucking enriched them with insurance money.

This was so confusing to me when I first learned of this story. He had a lot of guns, and he sealed himself in the machine with some rifles/carbines/pistols, and ammunition. He had gun ports from which he could fire out of, but would be very difficult to shoot into (always thought the footage of the cops desperately trying to shoot into the cabin from the outside to be amusing)... and what did he use that ammo for?

Some electrical transformers. I think he shot a car. And then he blew his own head off. He had the opportunity to the kill the entitled, shithead son of the owner of the plant that had not allowed him to make an access road to his garage in the first place. Remember that other vehicle that tried to stop Marvin, right after his little hissy fit began? Yeah that was being driven by the son of the man who helped to ruin Marvin's life. Marvin could've sent that fucker to hell. But he didn't.

Marvin is a symbol of a victim who was pushed out of sanity, had genuinely good reasons to take revenge violently, but then he did not- probably because of his retarded religious beliefs.

Oh, now I know why "the right/conservatives" love this failure so much- he's just like Jesus. Flipped over a table/smashed a building, but didn't actually kill any of the monsters. And those motherfuckers who victimized Marvin absolutely went on to fuck over hundreds, probably thousands more hard-working Americans, abusing their connections to snatch land away from people or otherwise strong-arm people into submission. MARVIN COULD HAVE FUCKING STOPPED THEM. But he shot some power transformers, and gave all of these motherfuckers giant insurance payouts.

While I have immense sympathy for Marvin himself, I consider his final actions to be motivated by insanity and not revenge. Revenge would've seen at least one motherfucker put into the ground that day.

[–] 1 pt

When someone is driven to the brink they usually aren't thinking 100% rationally, and when that happens, revenge and not wanting to take a life end up at loggerheads with each other. In his case, the latter won.

For some people, willingly taking a life isn't so easy.

[–] 1 pt

For some people, willingly taking a life isn't so easy.

You're right. Only about 1% of people, trained soldiers, would shoot to kill before the world's armed forces began to adopt the Skinnerian training method. With this new training method, about 90% of men will willingly shoot to kill. Here's a great video about that subject:

Shooting to kill: How many men can do this? (youtube.com)

Really interesting video, thank's for the link.

I have a feeling this 1% phenomena thing only applies to white people.

[–] 0 pt

Watching the movie Tread. Yea he didn’t kill those Thompson motherfuckers, but he sure should have. Incredibly disciplined man though.

[–] 0 pt

The Thompsons (and the town's politicians) all collaborated to essentially kill Marvin- by closing down his business and being unreasonable, they are denying him income. Eventually this would lead to poverty.

These fuckers were literally taking food off of his table. They drove his wife away. THEY KILLED MARVIN, AND THEN HIS INSANE GHOST DID A BUNCH OF PROPERTY DAMAGE AND PASSED ON.

There is nothing redeemable about the assholes who ruined Marvin. They should all hang.

But "muh thou shalt not kill". This is the story of conservative Americans, a microcosm- corporate jews fuck us over at every turn, we try to be reasonable, even bend to their will and compromise as best we can, but it's never enough. Then, once we have been totally crushed, we make a bunch of noise and... that's it. The villains live on to victimize more people, because "conservatives" are so afraid of breaking rules and becoming violent, they would rather allow themselves to be destroyed than lower themselves.

We've had the moral high ground since forever. But as we sit up here, huffing each other's farts and talking about how much better we are than the other side, the other side is out in the streets using force and threat of force to get what they fucking want. AND THEY GET IT.

Just like Skyking. Get fucked by an anti-White, anti-American system, snap, make a big fucking scene, and then die alone without actually engaging the force that drove you to this. This is probably something that the kikes and other blue bloods laugh and joke about behind closed doors. "We'd better not lockdown the entire country, otherwise the conservatives might try to file a lawsuit, not knowing that my best friend is the judge who will be presiding over the case! Hahahah, stupid goyim. Go get me another glass of child blood."

[–] 0 pt

I guarantee they laugh about the weak tactics by conservatives. Conservatives don’t conserve shit.

We win when we play by their rules and even up the craziness.