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Grabbed from faggot-ass Reddit

Grabbed from faggot-ass Reddit

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts

Heres what you're actually saying

White people have accomplished great great things, no one has gone to the moon.

So in other words you're a white traitor thats okay with assisting our enemies in erasing our history and then lying about it.

Just because you heard it repeated on fucking joe rogan dickhead doesn't mean its true.

[–] 8 pts

Hold up...

You're saying that because the TV said we went to the moon we should believe it without question ?

Just because you heard it repeated across multiple networks doesn't mean that it's true.

[–] 3 pts

You're saying that because the TV said we went to the moon we should believe it without question ?

Nope. Clever reframing though.

I'm saying its fine to question it just don't swallow a manufactured skeptics cock to do it.

It's one thing to question, its another thing to accept something as gospel.

[–] 0 pt

They want to erase it so a nog can be first to the moon. Don't be dumb.

[–] 1 pt

Joe Rogan has recanted all of his moon landing denial, because he’s a shill.

No actual person changes their mind once they see how obviously fake the Apollo missions were.

Anyway, shows how much you know.

[–] 3 pts

Heres what I know:

Everyone thats not a shill is aware the flat earth meme is spread by glowfags, CCP NPCs, and ADL types.

And your comment history is full of it.

I'm taking flak because I'm over the target.

Thanks for proving me right.

[–] 1 pt

I always assumed flat earth was pushed by NASA to be conflated with the fake moon landings.

[–] 1 pt

Why did you bring up flat earth? You trying to discredit moon landing denial bc of flat earth? Your a super faggot

[–] 0 pt

the flat earth meme is spread by glowfags, CCP NPCs, and ADL types.

You mean flat earth which is censored just as heavily on YouTube and Google as Holo revisionism?

Please provide evidence for that assertion.

[–] 0 pt

How did they fake the zero atmosphere?

[–] 2 pts

Very poorly, so that it looks retarded and fake.

All they did was slow the video down as if low gravity makes you slower. They should have been jumping over each other and lifting heavy objects. Instead they just hop around like the Freemason dumbshits they were.

[–] 0 pt


After he got a TV show with him meeting a bunch of nasa peeps.

And this was after he publicly said he would recant his moon landing denial if he could get in on the alien shit. He was adamant.

[–] 1 pt

White people Invented teleportation, then threw the technology away just to flex on the other races. And if you don't believe this, you're erasing white accomplishments.

[–] 0 pt

Heres what you're actually saying

White people have accomplished great great things, no one has gone to the moon.

Nice false dichotomy, as if the only the only noteworthy thing Whites could do would be walk on the moon.

Our history is rich with achievements and feats, but some are likely fraudulent (e.g. exploration of the poles, Alexander 'conquering' larger armies that apparently forgot to fight back, etc), and the 'moon landing' is entirely fraudulent.

[–] 3 pts

Nice false dichotomy, as if the only the only noteworthy thing Whites could do would be walk on the moon.

Way to try to put words in my mouth. Get off your fucking alt dickhead.

Also dont forget your yellow star.

[–] 1 pt

Ironic, considering your post, which I quoted, literally put words in his mouth using the phrase 'Here's what you're actually saying'. Lol

Get off your fucking alt dickhead.

Most of us old goats know better. I gave you a cite for further reading. Unfortunately, your position just as uncitable as it is untenable.

< Insert line asking the weather in Tel-Aviv

[–] 0 pt

He said what he said. Not what you edited him to say. @Funky_fuck

I thought doubting the landing was silly until I saw an extremely comprehensive video on the subject. Yes, I am a technical person.

[–] 2 pts

I treat everything following a 'but' as a lie when I'm dealing with people I don't know.

It's so common as a dismissal out of hand.

Like hearing someone tell you something and objecting with "but still!"

I doubt the moon landing.

That doesn't mean I'm gonna give an inch to some flat earth piece of shit wanting to spread propaganda and engaged in information warfare against my entire race.

Fuck him.

[–] 0 pt

Fuck him.

There are plenty of problems in the world, we could at least be civil to each other.

[–] 0 pt

'Flat earth' is a label used to discredit some current skeptics BUT that's ok. They are wrong.

'The Truth Movement' was similarly used. These labels eventually devolve into 'conspiracy theorists' and are flogged on propaganda vessels to discourage dissent.