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Grabbed from faggot-ass Reddit

Grabbed from faggot-ass Reddit

(post is archived)

[–] 26 pts

The longer it goes that we haven't returned to the moon, the less I believe it.

[–] 13 pts

Ya and what thing in human history has gotten harder and more expensive as the technology has increased thousand fold or more... and some idiots day there is no reason to go back.. lol if it was real and became safe people would spend their entire life fortunes to go!.. and once humans have gone some where do they always keep going back? Mount everest anyone and shit more people died going to everest then the fucking moon.

Moon hoax biggest lie told to humanity

[–] 3 pts

Technically the development, manufacturing, refinement, and shipping of material goods has steadily decreased in true cost but the price of gasoline, food, and tech continues to steadily rise anyway. This is a result of Jewish tricks. Going to the moon again didnt become more difficult or expensive per se... its that remaking the tech required to do so again would require all new research, designs, manufacturing, etc in line with todays safety and technology requirements. It will not be cheap indeed but its certainly possible. And its likely that the US military has never stopped going to the moon and probably maintain a permanent presence there. I have a hunch the UFOs they’ve been showing off in the news lately belong to Space Force.

[–] 4 pts

This is a result of Jewish tricks.


Space Force

there is no hope for you, just take the vax.

[–] 1 pt

So do you think the current attempts to go to the moon are a hoax? What will you say if the reports about the lunar environment echo what we were told before? Do you think the moon dust we have is fake, or that we had sufficiently advanced robotics to gather and return it in the 60s? If you think we could send a robot capable of that in the 60s why do you think we couldn't send humans?

[–] 3 pts

The moon rocks are petrified wood. Every nation that got them has confirmed. It.

[–] 2 pts

U can do a quick Google search and the Dutch moon rocks ended up being petrified wood. Makes perfect sense

[–] 0 pt

No it's all fake. No robots. Only possible explanation would be aliens helped.

[+] [deleted] 0 pt
[–] 1 pt

Except the Hitler exterminated 6 million jews one.

[–] 0 pt

True and as technology has improved it would still be impossible to incinerate that many people.. it was funny China was having a hard time crematining their dead covid1984 bodies and they had to squash that real fast because people started the holahoax memes

[–] 0 pt

i think the biggest lie told to humanity is the holocaust

[–] 0 pt

once humans have gone some where do they always keep going back?

Except the moon and Antarctica.

[–] 0 pt

there are permanent establishments in Antartica.

[–] 0 pt

Antarctica we go back. The depths of the ocean we go back.. just the moon we will never go back

[–] 2 pts

The moon is haunted by alien ghosts and that's why we don't go back.

[–] 2 pts

Oh you thought the process of rewriting/erasing history was just the ministry telling people what was "true" and what was "false"?

You ever read or watch 1984 and wonder why so few revolted?

They weren't just rewriting and erasing history. It was a detailed job, with legions of bureaucrats.

The other half of 1984 that gets so overused that people dont realize the importance of it is: propaganda.

When the state tells people "it didnt happen." the people believed it. Thats the important bit.

We went to the moon.

The communists want to erase that and rewrite doubt over history. And they're using rumors to do it.

[+] [deleted] 5 pts
[–] 4 pts

We went to the moon.

The communists want to erase that and rewrite doubt over history.

It doesn't stand up to scrutiny, even back then. I understand that, as the pile of lies grow, it becomes harder and harder to examine every individual event for the truth, but the Moon landing never happened. Best comprehensive series on the topic: http://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie/ though Mathis has done a number of smaller deep-dives into such topics as the life-support systems, supposed engine designs, etc.

I hope you didn't really think 9/11 was the first large-scale faked event - the sinking of the Brittanic (which we remember as the Titanic) wasn't even the first large scale faked event.

[–] 2 pts

You are a jew trying to erase White history.

White Americans went to the moon with the help of German Nazi rocket scientists. The USSR would have proved it fake if it were.

9/11 happened. I went to the two towers when they existed, and they don't exist anymore. Maybe you are too young to remember that, but that doesn't mean that it happened.

You are a jew trying to erase White history.

[–] 0 pt

All one has to do is watch Astronauts Gone Wild and see they are plainly lying.

They are deer caught in the headlights lying.

[–] 2 pts

I was with you until I realized you are a fucking idiot. We didn't go to the moon period... the communist and capitalist are just red man blue man distractions to divide and conquor... the elite of China are communist the elite of America are communist and capitalist


[–] 0 pt

The world is run by all the same people it seems though.

[–] 0 pt

The world is run by all the same people it seems though.

Probably descendants of the Medici family.

Consider: They had what, three, or four popes? Kings, emperors. They were the first "international bankers." I see no reason why they should have, in a relatively short span of time, simply have collapsed.

It seems a paltry innovation from that point of view to say "why dont we create new fronts, the rothchilds and warburgs and pretend our family lost power and relegate it to the history books."

Incidentally the same tact the soviets appeared to take: pretend to fail/collapse, come back under a new name and structure.

[–] 0 pt

Went to the moon? Hahahahahah

[–] 0 pt

Remember we went many times. Look at the footage from Apollo 17.

Also look at the footage from the Chinese landers and don't forget Russia landed rovers on the moon as we landed men.

And the moon reconasince orbiter has photographed the Apollo landing sites and you can even see the moon car tracks.

And there is a laser reflector that Apollo left on the moon that is still used to reflect laser pulses to observatories on earth to determine the distance to the moon in inches.

[–] 0 pt

The USSR wouldn't have let us get away with faking it.

[–] 0 pt

I used to believe that a US political party would never get away with stealing and election.

[–] 0 pt

Yes, because they were faking their successes. We beat them at their own game.

[–] 0 pt

The USSR had yuri gagarin fly into space with a camera and lights mounted in the cockpit, right?

[–] -1 pt

This is the stupidest reply. There is tons of information the topic. Read "wagging the moondoggle for one", and stop being an idiot.

[–] 0 pt