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"The second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki three days after the Hiroshima bombing. Approximately 140,000 lives were lost in Hiroshima and 75,000 in Nagasaki. Nearly half of the then Catholic population of Japan, around 50,000 of 110,000, lived in the Nagasaki parish, and they were especially concentrated in the area around ground zero, Urakami."

"Truman became a Freemason in 1909. By 1940, he was elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. In 1945, Truman was created a 33rd degree Sovereign Grand Inspector General in the Scottish Rite's Supreme Council, Southern Jurisdiction. That same year, the Supreme Council, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, awarded Truman its first Gourgas Medal, the Supreme Council's highest honor."



"The second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki three days after the Hiroshima bombing. Approximately 140,000 lives were lost in Hiroshima and 75,000 in Nagasaki. Nearly half of the then Catholic population of Japan, around 50,000 of 110,000, lived in the Nagasaki parish, and they were especially concentrated in the area around ground zero, Urakami." "Truman became a Freemason in 1909. By 1940, he was elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. In 1945, Truman was created a 33rd degree Sovereign Grand Inspector General in the Scottish Rite's Supreme Council, Southern Jurisdiction. That same year, the Supreme Council, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, awarded Truman its first Gourgas Medal, the Supreme Council's highest honor." https://nirc.nanzan-u.ac.jp/nfile/4258 https://nationalheritagemuseum.typepad.com/library_and_archives/harry-s-truman/#:~:text=In%201945%2C%20Truman%20was%20created,the%20Supreme%20Council's%20highest%20honor.

(post is archived)

[–] 4 pts

Btw, that's why the "boomer" shit is super jew propaganda crap. Plenty was underway in the mid to late 1800s. Shit went down in the early 1900s. With a steady decline following. But ya, that's all boomer's fault. Because, you know, they weren't born.

[–] 2 pts

The boomers were by far the worst generation that has come to fruition. Hippies, degenerates, massive consumers who live paycheck to paycheck, never planning for the future. But I agree that jew propaganda is used to isolate different generations. Give them all new culture so that 'mom and dad just dont understand us' to keep generational knowledge from being passed down effectively.

[–] 5 pts

By that standard the current generation is the worst. Which is also wrong.

The only people who benefit from these lies are jews. They literally serve no other purpose than to divide and hide jews.

All who broadly accuse boomers are controlled by jews. No exceptions.

[–] 0 pt

Muh divided generations

I've tried for years to tap into this mysterious boomer power but there's nothing there. They don't give a fuck about anybody but themselves. Here I'll break down the two paths you can take:

  1. You try to work with boomers but they don't give a fuck about anything so they retire and squander all their resources.

  2. You say "fuck boomers" and they retire and squander all their resources.

But good luck to anybody still barking up that tree. You were warned. Call me a jew or whatever you want. As if all the videos about boomers being selfish pricks just sprang up out of nowhere. It's all an elaborate conspiracy!

[–] -1 pt

I said "that has come to fruition" meaning lived and died and continues dying. They are now beyond redemption.

All who broadly accuse boomers are controlled by jews. No exceptions.

This is "jews are superhuman gods" level retardation paranoia. No, it's actually very useful. It is a great example of a generation that sucked off the wealth of their parents and grandparents generations hardwork and did NOTHING but aid and abet our destruction.

[–] 1 pt

The boomers were by far the worst generation that has come to fruition.

Citation needed.

There were a dozen generations that sat idly as our society crumbled to this state, and even now we sit around saying 'just you wait! My anger is rising!' whilst doing the same nothing our forefathers did.

Honestly, I think the selfishness you speak of peaked in the 80s with the younger crowd (Gen X?) and actually trickled up. Look into the disco era - it makes the modern (((YOLO))) era looks like child's play.

[–] 0 pt

Citation needed.

Yeh Redditar, coming right up. Just like me get my thumb out of my wifes boyfriends ass...

[–] 0 pt

no they are definitely worst. no generation has had it easier in human history. combine that with the amount of new hi tech social engineering.. how can you possibly think any generation could compare? you're just triggered cause u are one. pathetic boomer faggot.

[–] 0 pt

70s may be Gen X but being small kids I doubt they were at the disco's. That was still boomers.