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Into the History of the Kibbutz, an ancient traditional community of Jews, who had formed the cradle of modern world Communism, even today Agriculture and Industrialists provinces in Israel practice these same reformed concepts relying on American Foreign Aid to bail them out of debt annually. Judaism/Talmudism=Communism always remember Goyim!


Into the History of the Kibbutz, an ancient traditional community of Jews, who had formed the cradle of modern world Communism, even today Agriculture and Industrialists provinces in Israel practice these same reformed concepts relying on American Foreign Aid to bail them out of debt annually. Judaism/Talmudism=Communism always remember Goyim! http://www.renegadetribune.com/communism-was-created-by-jews-and-serves-only-their-interests/

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Not to take anything away from this message however who do you think invented the extreme capitalism we see now.

(((They))) always play both side of the game!

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Yes. The three C's of judaism: communism, capitalism, and circumcision.

[–] 1 pt

Bureaucracy is a necessary evil for goys, its a way of life for them. They will infiltrate and corrupt any bureacracy in the same way a goy harvest a field of wheat.

If that bureacracy is a nation’s financial system they are all over it like white on rice. Capitalism should be a free market system where information is relatively uncorrupted and everyone plays by the same rules. Of course they never met a system they didnt try to game, and they are masters at distorting information. Literally the worst people to include in your marketplace.

They have done to our entire country what Madoff did with a few hundred billion. A massive ponzi scheme. It is who they are.

If you read the history of central banking its why (((they))) were kicked out of so many countries time and time again.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

They invented the debt banking system, but what we consider capitalism is just freedom. The freedom to use your own capital to do what you want. To build whatever buisness you want. To freely trade with anyone.

I have the freedom to own a gun. That is good. If I use that gun to murder that is bad, but it doesn't make my right to have a gun bad.

I have the freedom to operate a buisness. That is good. If I use that buisness to subvert the government and society that is bad, but it does not make my right to operate a buisness bad.

Dont confuse the banking aspects of society with capitalism, and dont blame kikery within buisness on capitalism.

[–] 1 pt

There's nothing wrong with debt or even some amount of interest. It all goes to hell with fractional reserve banking and gets even worse if the currency has no backing.

[–] 1 pt

It is immoral. You are extracting money from someone you should have helped for free. You are taking advantage of someone's current predicament for financial gain.

Now, I'm not totally against banking or loans. I understand the utility, probably better than most. But it does not start off as a fundamentally good thing. Not like freedom to do business is fundamentally a good thing, which can then be used to do bad. Interest based loans start off fundamentally bad and are justified by the ends.

No, the capitalism in the US is not freedom and neither is it all the banks responsibility. What the US has is, for a better word, extreme capitalism where companies make profits tens of times above what is reasonable. Companies happy to screw their customers, even in cases kill their customers to make an extra buck. Call it ehat you want but that is not capitalism.

[–] 0 pt

capitalism where companies make profits tens of times above what is reasonable

What an absolutely retarded thought process. You literally think that your envy of them makes THEM bad. It does not.

As long as everyone has an equal right under the law to operate their own business the exact same way your envy is not justified. If their profits are too high then undercut them. That is how you prove their profits were too high. Otherwise you are a retard who doesn't know enough about the operation to run one an therefore your opinion on what is too much profit is the retarded opinion of a moron and worthless.