Gives me an idea of making some cheap throwaways with a button, speaker, micro, and battery that does what that device does. Drop them all over the city and what the media freak out as if it is another holohoax! "Evil white supremacist group leaves electronic devices that say the N-word all over city! We must find and execute this evil terrorist!"
Gives me an idea of making some cheap throwaways with a button, speaker, micro, and battery that does what that device does.
Drop them all over the city and what the media freak out as if it is another holohoax!
"Evil white supremacist group leaves electronic devices that say the N-word all over city! We must find and execute this evil terrorist!"
They’ll start a go fund me to fight your terrorism and then use it to buy beach houses.
They’ll start a go fund me to fight your terrorism and then use it to buy beach houses.
(post is archived)