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What a cunt.

What a cunt.

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

he asked me to buy him some snacks, I wasn't aware he had died

It would be so easy to create plausible deniability.

[–] 3 pts

This happened in the UK last week if I remember. Judging by the mugshot, it's getting harder and harder to physically differentiate Brits and Americans nowadays.

[–] 2 pts

They both look like disgusting mongrels.... Its sad

[–] 0 pt

Big waists vs. terrible teeth

[–] 1 pt

Big waists AND terrible teeth

[–] 3 pts (edited )

time for a bag of zesty doritoes after a quicky quick fappy rub rub in the bathroom

  • slutty Mexican nurse
[–] [deleted] 2 pts

What kind of snack did she get?

[–] [deleted] 2 pts (edited )

You know she went straight for those expensive (but disgusting) greasy dog food shaped beef jerky pellets. If you're going to commit the crime you're definitely living large

I just realized that it's been so long since I bought anything from a vending machine that I don't know what's in them anymore.

When did beef jerky happen? Do the machines still take your money and then barely move the product to the point where it's just dangling there on the hook, but it won't fall?

[–] [deleted] 3 pts (edited )

it's these (jacklinks.com) . I'd say they've been common in most vending machines for at least five years. My guess is they're made of animal refuse they realized they could mash together with a bunch of grease and salt and mold into pellets to resemble food. I don't know what vending machines do because I just depressively stare through the window and wish there was something to eat.

[–] 1 pt

I'm glad I have no idea what you're talking about. The only jerky I'm familiar with is the venison we'd make in the late autumn.

[–] 1 pt

zesty doritoes

[–] 1 pt

Not Takis? Maybe there was a churro.

[–] 2 pts

Stupid mud cow used his bank card instead of a credit card at a third party location.

[–] 2 pts

Staying classy with diversity hires.

[–] 1 pt

He didn't need the money

[–] 1 pt (edited )

"I Was Hungry" A true story about Stephan Knoefler. Look it up.

Adopted "cousin" caught his ex girlfriend fuking his 14 yr old son. He punches her in the face and she laughs at him, claiming now he's going to jail and she's going to get a restraining order, take his kids and fuk his son all she wants and when his four year old is big enough she'll be fuking him too. So he picks up electric guitar and hits her again, breaking her arm. She starts to scream, "Don't kill me!" So, in a rage he crushes her skull with a dumbell. Son watched it all. Dad goes back to his room to calm down and figure out his next move. Son goes to kitchen and gets a bowl of spaghetti, returns to room to sit by the body and enjoy his meal.

The sister of the slain woman later asked him why he would eat next to the body. Totally missing the point he replied, "I was hungry.".

I know readers will be curious so here's how this played out over the next three years as this woman went missing.

Before this all went down at my family's rural property I could hear the two having loud arguments every day from where I was doing some construction work nearby. Then one day there was no more fighting and I saw my cousin a week later in a local store with two of his kids and the sister. He had been arrested for assault, the sister was helping him get his kids back and get the girlfriend out of his life.

A year before I had warned him his girlfriend would get him in jail. The woman had been married five times and brought assault charges against every husband before moving on.

She had kids with these Men but would give them up to the ex every time. Every marriage breakup was due to her fuking some guy on the side and then going on to marry the guy.

This time was different as her next guy happened to be the son and she wasn't married to the dad. My guess is she was fuking the son before the breakup and simply got the son to sneak her back into the house.

Flash forward to the murder scene.

Dad now has a plan and storms into his son's room. Demands son go out in the dark and dig s grave. More arguing but dad says "Do it or I'll end you!" Son goes out, does a pitiful job and gives up. Plan B. Dad stuffs body into old fridge behind house where it rots for a couple months. When the stench is too much he digs a shallow grave and covers the remains.

Flash forward three years. Son realizes they money his family lives on is his disability check. He is "learning disabled, dyslexic, diminished capacity, blah blah". He wants his own money and wants to buy a car, get a driver's license, etc. Dad's not having it as he's never held a job in his life. So, one day in town dad is happily spending his son's money and the bickering starts again. Son runs off and goes to the police with this story of murder. Goal? Dad goes to jail,son gets his check and is boss of his younger siblings. Great plan but he forgot some details. He is under age, a mental fukup and he just got child welfare involved. All four kids are "placed" after the body is located and dad is arrested. Short trial where dad pleads "no contest"

Some time later the son is pissed when he finds out the house is boarded up and the family who owns the property won't let him come back. He runs away from his court appointed guardians and burns the house down. Of course he'll never be charged. I'm guessing when he understands he has magical immunity from prosecution he'll have a wonderful time.

Edit: I learned these details from the sister of the slain woman so don't expect it in the news or police report.

[–] 0 pt
[–] 1 pt

That's Him. He was always a bit strange as a kid and I just stopped visiting because of his strange mannerisms. When he was about 17 he shot a kid he didn't like about 7 times as the kid took cover behind a bush. The weapon was a .22 and the kid lived but Steven had to go away for awhile.

About a year before this he had attacked me, trying to strangle me and throw me to the ground. I punched his face till he let go. It was a totally unprovoked attack. So he reports me to the police and a detective calls me up. I tell detective what happened and he just says "Oh!", and "Have a nice day!", before hanging up.

If he's ever released he has no place to go, no member of the family wants him around and he's never held a job. As is, he has a good life in prison.

[–] 1 pt

he dindu nuffin

[–] 1 pt

"Hospital Worker." Please use E-verify or just don't hire wetbacks.

[–] 0 pt

Theft should be immediate grounds for termination and should follow you around like a jew does a penny.

Kudos to the debit card company investigating every purchase after time of death.

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