You already know that's false. I pointed it out here because your comments commonly serve the Jews. Just like your lie now.
I'm pretty sure the god you worship was the Hebrew god first. Ergo you worship a kike. The Torah/Tanakh (which you call The Old Testament) is quite clear about them being made in his image. Your ancestors were pagans and heathens before they ever heard of the (((god of Abraham))).
Btw, why do you think the (((allies))) burned all of the aryan historical research collected by the nazi? Why did Hitler say many of the same things? Why did they spend so much time in the middle east researching?
You'll find only Jews hate these facts. Rabbi foo is by far the most dishonest and vocal. What a cohencidence.
You are (I assume unknowingly) repeating jew lies just like foo - who knowingly lies. It's why he is so angry and dishonest when it comes to people learning our past. It's why he hates Aryans. He loathes us.
The Jews are not the Israelites. Once you reject the jew lies everything makes sense. Which is, of course, why the Jews here lie about it.
I have science, history, and biblical information on my side. Jews have the word of rabbis on theirs. Will you too side with rabbis over our own recorded history and even genetic science?
Enjoy your deep dive.
Edit: I see you down vote in support of jews.
Edit: I'm now assuming you are both a jew and his alt given your dishonest down votes.
I call it how I see it hoss. I condemn all forms of Semitism. William Luther Pierce is right.
Prove you don't serve the Jew. Deny (((Christ))) three times.
Why do your comments always lie and why do you always manipulate the truth as only Jews do?
You already know my position and you are knowingly lying about it to push a pro-jew position. As usual, your behavior only benefits the jew.
Why do you constantly reveal Jewish behaviors?
We see you.
You literally worship a (((Jew))) as your (((Lord and Savior))).
(post is archived)