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[–] 9 pts

I feel bad for young men looking for a relationship today.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts (edited )

I know. I have 3 sons and two daughters.... The boys have come sniffing around for my daughters - so far I've been able to keep them away.

The dating scene today is a giant blender that you throw your heart and genitals into and pray that you don't get hurt.

[–] 4 pts

College can undo all the hard work you've done for your daughters.

So far they're not going. Nipped that in the bud.

Send them slim and innocent, eager to learn and be independent. They come home with tattoos and a beer gut.

[–] 6 pts
  • I read a lot of the comments here and I think y'all need some perspective as to why so many women are sluts.
  • Natural selection: a smart cavegirl watches the women around her have sex and die in childbirth and decides this is not for her.
  • Her line ends with her, and every other girl in human history up to about 80 years ago who was smart enough not to be a slut died childless.
  • If you knew you would most likely die a horrible death just from sex you probably wouldn't do it. So women have to be wired to not care and be horney.
  • We wouldn't exist without women who love banging one out. Add birth control and women making their own money to this recipe and boom, you get what we have today.
  • This is a difficult time to be alive, nothing is normal or healthy anymore. Men weren't made to do bullshit 9 to 5 jobs and women weren't made to live alone, go to bars, etc.
  • Everyone is depressed and doing stupid stuff because everything in the world is wrong.
[–] 4 pts

A whore can never become a housewife

[–] 1 pt

Dr Dre told the world this, and then forgot to follow his own advice.

Although, it looks like he had been married to his "ho" for 5 years when he rapped that advice, so perhaps he was rapping from a half-decade of first-hand experience at that point?

[–] 0 pt

2Pac, you mean.

[–] 0 pt

I don't know much about 2Pac, or rap in general, I always heard it was Dre.

Went through the song, "Housewife", by Dre. Weirdly, it's based, in an explicit, nigger-language way. However, it looks like Dre only raps one verse in the song, and it is the one that seems the least based of all of them. I don't "speak jive", but it sounds like he's the one getting seduced by the ho, which would be true to life.

[–] 0 pt

2pac, dre, all nigger rap is a primary inducement to occidental societal decay.

Don't even listen to Jews producers glorifying nigger thug culture, let alone take life advice from rap songs about relationships.

I wouldn't even listen to pavement ape music if you paid me.

[–] 3 pts

It only takes being sexually active with two different men to destroy a females ability to pair bond.

[–] 2 pts

hate women goy, hate them for the propaganda we fed them, dont reproduce goy, wait for a unicorn goy, if its has a dick in it its not kosher goy

[–] 9 pts

Nah, do not hate women. But do not put them on a podestal either. Choose a non roastie women, or a women who falls for you hard. But never make the mistake to think that they are your equals. They arent. They are with you as long as they look up to you and you have a firm hand. When that ends., the "relationship" ends. They are not your friends. Only, when you are higher value than them. Look at all those wahmen here who cry "incel" "incel" "incel" as if this would hurt a guy like the word "slut". Protip girls, it does not hurt a guy, because other guys do not care that much about this. But girls do. They want Chad Thundercock and ride the cock carousel, but they never want to admit that they are what they are: "sluts". It is like the jews who own the world, but always cry "antisemite" for anyone pointing it out.

[–] -1 pt

thats a better argument but a real man can control a wild women, be a real man

women have been fed propaganda from a young age and are easily programmed, hating them for being a slut is like hating you for being an untermensch, sure it feel good to be better than someone but id rather give you a hand up rather than kick you down

also frankly most incels are incels because they are unwilling to lower their standards, if you dont work out and are less than a 7/10 the chances are some 30 year old former slut who wants to settle down is right in your league, take it or leave it and dont reproduce

[–] 6 pts

"but a real man can control a wild women" Nah, you cant. Only if she chooses you as a man and is really into you. If you are a women, you know this to be true. But, and this is the big but, she can only be really into you, if you as a man arent. Because if she has whored around, she will have a whole army of "betas"/"incels"/or "whatever mean name women give these poor creatures" constantly giving her attention. So if the "real man" gives her too much attention, because he "loves" her, her interest will wane. So it follows, that as a man who has something going for himself, you just fuck "these sluts" and they end up being in love with you, because they can not get you. These sluts then bitch to the betas how evil chad is, but they "looooove him".

But if chad would love them back, they would leave and found another emotional unresponsive chad. Sluts continue with this until their eggs are near drying and then try to settle for betas or try to bind chad with a "surprise" child.

I am just trying to warn men, because if you are not emotional hardened and, or "Chad Thundercock", then you will get hurt badly, because male bonding to a female is way stronger than the other way around.

Its not "women hate". It is taking a stand for men who are suffering by the hand of "brainwashed"/unleashed sluts.

[–] 1 pt

Completely disagree with this opinion but @Anus_Expander downvoting you is a fag move.

Once a slut always a slut is correct. "Can't turn a whore into a housewife". Don't make kids with sluts unless you're a low quality man with no other options.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )

A real man isn't going to waste his time with a wild woman, a real man is going to focus all his energies on building a future for a family with a decent woman.

You only have so much energy - be smart don't waste it.

but a real man can control a wild women

Yes, you might very well be right on this.

But a real man has options. Why go after a bratty, used slut if you have options?

Because don't forget that she will spent time alone with your children. And one day you will get old, perhaps even sick (like cancer) or suffer an accident. At some point you just might no longer have the energy to tame a brat.

[–] 0 pt

Most of the time an Incel is an Incel because of something or Something's out of there control.

[–] 0 pt

if you dont work out and are less than a 7/10 the chances are some 30 year old former slut who wants to settle down is right in your league, take it or leave it and don't reproduce

I don't disagree with this, and not reproducing honestly seems like the better option.

[–] 3 pts

I see plenty of eligible, sexually uncompromised, age appropriate women around for young guys who care to be a little choosy. It isn’t tough. They aren’t “unicorns” because unicorns don’t fucking exist.

[–] 0 pt

how do you know they are "sexually uncompromised" you dont know shit about them lol, why would they tell you about the sex they are having?

i bet you are an untermensch who hates women because you just dont get that if you sit on your fat arse all day they will not be interested in you, its not their fault you are a waste of oxygen, its your fault and you can choose to better your self today or you can keep being an untermensch for the rest of your pathetic existence

[–] 3 pts

LOL yeah, the women out there today eating hot Cheetos and smoking pot are just queens waiting for the right man to come along. Good post.

[–] 1 pt

Its incel thinking.

[–] 1 pt

Seething roastie detected. Nobody likes your stinking worn out cunt - except rapefugees maybe. But thats propably the reason, women love to rally behind "refugees welcome". Womens liberation was a mistake. But, we are going to remove that.

[–] 1 pt

Hey, fuckwit, scarcity of sex and women was never a problem for me. Quite the contrary - I made plenty of mistakes in my younger years with bed hopping that in retrospect I’m fortunate didn’t turn out worse. As of now, I am happily enjoying the life I have been afforded despite my mistakes, and the family I have produced, love and support.

Even if the unthinkable happened, and I was back on the market tomorrow, I know if I were interested in some trashy floozy I could have her, but I don’t want her. My biological imperatives for offspring have been fulfilled, so I don’t have a burning need to churn out a few more. If I happened upon a decent girl who met my criteria, I’d consider it, but I also don’t want to be greedy. I’ve had a good run, and I want to leave the unspoilt to the younger men.

[–] 2 pts

Not exactly. Just damaged.

[–] 4 pts

The stats are very clear. If she slept with a bunch of dudes, very high chance of infidelity and divorce.

Yeah, I get it. She is a total babe in those yoga pants and she claims she loves big trucks, guns, and Donald Trump. All stuff you probably like!

Is fucking miles of redneck cowboy dick all that different from fucking miles of Tyrone dick, though?

[–] 3 pts

Lol I'm a Texan and Trump supporter and have never liked big trucks or guns.

I'm just saying that many young girls have no direction, no father or no strong male figure, and end up being passed around and abused.

When I got lemons I was able to make lemonade, not all are so lucky. Sad world.

[–] 1 pt

I assumed a super alpha with a lot of patience could turn one of these bitches and hold back her slutty tendencies. It would take a lot of work.

[–] 1 pt

Yeah cause in one case she definitely has an std. In the other case she probably has an std.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Is fucking miles of redneck cowboy dick all that different from fucking miles of Tyrone dick, though?


Burn the coal, pay the toll.

[–] 1 pt

Which is great if you're a 6'4" chad with a perfect physique a good job and great genetics. If you're not perfect then you can't demand a perfect partner. Especially considering that the number of white women who didn't slut it up in college are rare.

[–] 2 pts

If you're not perfect then you can't demand a perfect partner.

99.97% of modern women disagree

[–] 0 pt

Even the women who say they're looking only for an aryan giant tend to get interested when Mr. "good enough" comes along.

That said, yes, perfectionism is eroding our birth rates almost as fast as jewish propaganda.

[–] 0 pt

Even the women who say they're looking only for an aryan giant tend to get interested when Mr. "good enough" comes along.

By then, they're old and used up...and still, most of them won't settle for anything less than Chad, who does not settle down.

Now, I know there are exceptions to this, that there are women who have the sense to settle with "Mr. Good Enough" when their eggs haven't gone as dry as the sahara. I also know that there are women who have had no success going for relationships in the dating pool because all they come across are soylent male feminists, which naturally disgust them.

One of the "mens' channels" still allowed on YouTube got recommended to me, and it referenced a social media post by leftist women who questioned why they were attracted to conservative men, and were repulsed by the weak men on their side of the spectrum. If only there were a way to get modern men to know that being a soylent wuss will make women disgusted by you, and some way to get them to then stop being such wusses.

[–] 2 pts

If you're not perfect then you can't demand a perfect partner

True, but you can still demand better than a used up gangbang slut.

[–] 0 pt

Depends how imperfect you are I guess.

My main point is that if every white man who sees the danger we're walking into demands a debt free virgin without tattoos then a lot of them will end up always waiting for Miss Perfect and not reproducing.

Too fucking bad. I won't reproduce with a subhuman.

[–] 0 pt

The weak should fear the strong.

Is being an Incel the reason you are a lolbert?

[–] 0 pt

Hey dude if you don't have good genetics don't pass that shit on. Adopt and fuck whores

You want a healthy sane woman? Raise healthy sane children. That means no alcoholic or drug addicted parents. No porn watching pedo touching parents. No mentally ill bullshit parents. No daycare while mommy and daddy fuck off to the bar parents. Husband and wife. Mother and father. Nuclear family. The way this world is going- lots of luck.

[–] 0 pt

I'm talking about regular guys, not crippled morons.

Anyhow, my point was that perfect men can afford to demand perfect women. Imperfect men have to put up with some imperfections. Just as there's women out there who punched their ticket on the cock train a few times, there's guys who aren't exactly up to snuff either (but are still capable of fathering healthy white children).

[–] 0 pt

Yeah I was being cynical and crude. I'm totally joking - the most important thing is to raise your children well.

[–] 1 pt

I feel this on a spiritual level

I once had a friend who did not take my advice

this girl he liked gave a lot of red flags

"just male friends" wearing revealing clothing wanted male attention when he wasn't around had a lock on her phone and did not give him the password

He asked me what he should do because he thought she was cheating I looked him right in the eyes and I said "slap her or kick her out"

he did not listen and even laughed at how wrong I was 4 months later he found out she cheated on him 5 times

[–] 0 pt

Me, I love super lovable ultra talented women.

[–] 0 pt

I can't believe all the single fine looking girls I see these days. They can't find boyfriends ? I think it is something they are putting in the water.

Dude, pretty single girls are like handsome single guys. The are single because the are bat shit crazy. Never question it. Ever.

[–] 0 pt

They can't find boyfriends ?

They think that they have found boyfriends. What they don't realize is that their "boyfriends" all see them as just "friends with benefits".

One of the MRA-type channels still allowed on YouTube mentioned a woman having a complex because her FWB was banging her and then said "I can't believe you haven't found a boyfriend yet.", and she thought he was her boyfriend. Oops.

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