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[–] 2 pts

I made a poor choice earlier in life and had to make myself single in my early 30s.

After that, sifting through the 30+ age women was fucking terrible.

Only thing I can offer in terms of advice to young guys, don't jump into anything, but don't wait too long.

[–] 2 pts

Why don't you just get in shape, focus on yourself and let the rest sort itself out? I've done just that and had nothing but young girls chasing after me. Unfortunately most of those are whores as well, but still better than 30+ year olds.

[–] 0 pt

Said the same thing but not as well!

[–] 1 pt

But you’re a used car at that point? Why is your fuck up just a poor early life choice, but your female counterparts are inherently sub par?

Monogamy applies to men and women.

[–] 0 pt

Men bring something into a relationship, women only take.

[–] 1 pt

Horseshit. My dad is a decent guy but my mom carried his ass. Maybe date a sensible girl and not bimbos.

KiketheKikes and his JDF bosses did some good work on you. You are the male equivalent of a feminist. You dont think they build those too?

[–] 0 pt

In my 30s and am enjoying younger women. Focus on making yourself desirable and you'll age like a fine wine.

[–] 0 pt

Idk why 30+ is what you're aiming for

[–] 0 pt

Why can't you get buff and date 20 somethings?

[–] 1 pt

It wouldn't hurt to have a roast beef sandwich somewhere in that last panel. Lol.

[–] 1 pt

If only people would disregard the anti-kid propaganda... so many brainwashed into waiting until their 30s so they can “focus on their career”! This is also evident in Japan, who is even more affected.... Women chase careers so they can either not leech off of their man and be an equal partner (If decent human being) or retain ability to “shop around” (scumbag OR hurt before and scarred- bad or absent father figure, abusive bf) Another factor is too high of an overhead- People don’t do anything “for free” anymore. Less people on well water, less people growing gardens, less people sewing or knitting, less people reading instead of cinema, less people cooking things from scratch, productive hobbies!!! etc. Sadly results in “oh no I need to make more money first! I’m poor because we eat out over 5 meals a week and spend half our paycheck on subscription services we don’t need lol ...”

[–] 1 pt

be an equal partner

Never works out, because women want a man who is superior to them.

[–] 0 pt

Idk- you can call me a liar but I want an equal partner. My fiance makes less than me. I just want him to do the best he can do and be a reasonable human being- but I didn’t settle on practicality when choosing a mate, I liked his brain. There are plenty of dumb whores who want their cake and to eat it too. 6 ft 6 figure blah blah blah. I pity anyone looking in today’s market. Plenty of fat cucked retards and sloppy hundreths. Women all flock to the top percent attractive men and ruin their chance statistically for a happy marriage, and men do it too while complaining that women do it. It takes two to tango... Of course we also have the retard psychopaths who virtue signal about killing babies etc... Or really virtue signal anything... I want off this wild ride man. Trust me I hate them more than you do, they make women all look absolutely moronic and create a divide near impossible to bridge. There’s a reason I don’t get on with most women....

[–] 0 pt

My fiance makes less than me.

Is this going to be rectified in the future? Is he going to get a promotion, are you going to tap out of the rat race to become a full-time mother?

I ask because otherwise the man inevitably winds up feeling like a live-in gigolo and it eats at him.

[–] 0 pt

" be an equal partner

Never works out, because women want a man who is superior to them."

Truth has been spoken.

[–] 0 pt

yea call me dumb, but I don't get the egg meme.

[–] 1 pt

Eggs. As in the eggs that women carry to produce children with. Women are capable of producing children for only so many years. When those years are over they are over!

[–] 0 pt

But why do the eggs change color?

[–] 0 pt

They get old and produce weaker children.

[–] 0 pt

They're about to expire

[–] 0 pt

I think this deserves a spot on /s/truthhurts as well.

[–] 0 pt

Dude, @KikeTheKikes, excellent posts, all of them! Thanks.

[–] -1 pt

You can freeze eggs now.

[–] 1 pt

With extremely low success rates when it comes time to defrost them.

That might also be traumatizing for the kid, to know that he was supposed to have been a decade older but had his birth retarded because mommy wanted to ride the career/cock carousel. Especially if she uses a sperm donor with the defrosted eggs and the kid grows up without a father.

[–] -1 pt

With extremely low success rates when it comes time to defrost them.

It doesn’t matter. If you donate eggs in your 20s you get so many with one harvest you have lots to spare.

That might also be traumatizing for the kid, to know that he was supposed to have been a decade older

No now you are just acting like a hysterical bitch. Its a perfectly logical approach to increasing fertility. Do you hate people having white babies or something? Why shouldnt this be on the table?

but had his birth retarded because mommy wanted to ride the career/cock carousel.

No sorry. Men are still the biggest whores statistically. They always have been and women have still not caught up with men in terms of whoring. You guys are so hard to keep up with.

This is sort of like blacks bitching about white crime. Men wanted out of monogamy 50 years ago. They wanted to ditch the old ball and chain. Why dont men start behaving more monogamously?

[–] 1 pt

Why shouldnt this be on the table?

Because there is no need for it to be on the table. Have a normal, natural pregnancy over the 20+ year span that God intended.

You are glossing over that harvesting eggs is not without risk, and the chance of success of pregnancy from a frozen egg is very low.

Also, men cannot be "whores". Men can be philanderers, men can be womanizers, lotharios, casanovas, Chads, but never whores/sluts, to so call them this is to out yourself as a victim of leftism.