Thank you very much for noting that one getting deleted! That was fast and that one was only up for a handful of hours.
That one really belongs more with the general White Genocide images as it didn't specifically note kikes using "immigration" to genocide Whites and is a collage of primarily anti-White statements and calls for Whites to no longer exist. I've moved it to be categorized more properly based on the theme/content/message of the image.
I renamed the file to "1" and then re-uploaded it as I believe catbox may also analyze the file names of uploaded items. It had been "Immigration - Terror 69 -moe- hNIhVU.jpg" when I previously uploaded it. Being just one of 77 in that list of images where all of them are named like that, for it to be the only one to get auto-censored it could be related to the "69" part of the file name that may have flagged it for maybe being porn. Or perhaps its dimensions simply matched that of the same image that had been uploaded previously and which they removed, that perhaps their censor flag images of certain dimensions that match those of other images they've removed in the past to then be manually checked or automatically removed.
Here is a re-upload of that one with only being renamed prior to uploading:
And here it is with both the name change, a 1 pixel dimension edit and some optimizations. It was 1.3mb before and is now 730kb:
I'll check on both of the links now and then to see if one or both of them gets shut down to get a better idea of whether the changes I made prior to uploading both of them might make a difference on triggering any automatic content censor.
"69" part
good insight.
That might be part of the metric, if the link was under 1 day and no time for SPLC, ADL, JIDF to report and bitch.
I got butt hurt by a science diagram deletion... I wonder if my original filename wording was part of the shoah. I changed it around a little, renamed it, and it stayed up , on a free account, for over a year so far.
(post is archived)