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[–] 2 pts (edited )

True. All US wars were started by Jews, even the revolutionary war.

NO SUCH THING as a Jew War hero!

No jews enlist in Militaries in any nation, except Israel :


As for jewish war heroes..... no names come to mind, other than the ones fighting only for Israel in air sneak attacks (an attack on sleeping Iraqis building a nuke energy plant). Oh.... and the raid on Entebbe (a second sneak attack on sleeping enemies).

  • 1> Operation Entebbe

[one dead jew hero who's brother became israel prime minister by blood connection]

100 jew commandos tricking and killing 52 using a false flagged limousine trick (literally false flag) :


  • 2> Operation Opera (Hebrew: מבצע אופרה‎‎‎) 10 Iraqi soldiers killed, 0 jew jet bombers flying american supplied attack jets died

[one jew pilot "(((Ilan Ramon)))" snuck a torah on space shuttle when added by nasa as token jew , gloated on camera feed, and then space shuttle burned up on reentry ]


  • 3 > Operation Wrath of God (Hebrew: מבצע זעם האל‎ Mivtza Za'am Ha'el)

Revenge covert operation directed by the Mossad to assassinate muslim individuals and muslim sympathizers without using trials or evidence

commandos were disguised as civilians , worked at night, and typically killed sleeping individuals, like usual for all jewish national heroes


So thats three PROVEN world famous Israel Jew compat hereos complete with wikipedia links.

None helped usa, they did help israel though.

A common theme of all jew heroes is that the jews kill while deceiving.

And jews NEVER dive on a hand grenade, or jump in front of a bullet, or charge head first into an enemy machine gun nest.

Heroes ?

Hmmmmm. Not the kind that would get bronze stars in the USA.

Even in 1940s the soldiers were aware of shitty Jews! Studies!

In 1940, 86% of enlisted US troop surveyed agreed with the statement "there is nothing good about the Jews"

  • 31% of enlisted men thought Hitler was "partly right, partly wrong" in his treatment of the Jews

  • 48% of enlisted men agreed that "a jew will always play you for a sucker"

  • 51% of enlisted men agreed that "Jews are the biggest goldbricks in the army" (goldbrick was a slang term for someone who didn't do any work and just showed up to collect a paycheque)

Source: https://www.scribd.com/doc/34656379/1940-Survey-of-Military-Personnel-about-Jews (the survey is behind a paywall)

Another source of the Jew questionnaire:


Jews are never heroes.

[–] 0 pt

How do you deal with the fallout when the military goes from 90% white christian conservative men to 90% non-white pozzed immigrants and leftists?

It will then be a foreign army that hates americans. How do you deal with that, knowing we will be totally outgunned and the military will be far more hostile toward us.

Tell me how you mitigate that LOSS.