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[–] 1 pt

ADHD is fucking real. It may be a bullshit treatment, a better cure being lots of exercise and spending most of your day outside.

[–] 0 pt

The treatment is obviously bullshit, it's basically legal cocaine.

Society, video games, television screens and phones promote low attention span. Bad parenting promotes low attention span. Don't give your kids legalized cocaine because a teacher wanted your boy to act like the girls in class.

Many many years ago, an acquaintance gave me some of his kid's ADHD pills. I ate the pills. Shortly thereafter, I exclaimed "Holy shit. They give this to kids?? This shit is the whip!"

Don't worry, I quit doing all of that sort of nonsense loooonnngg time ago.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

from what i've read, methamphetamine is almost never prescribed for a.d.d., or anything. and the author of those posts misspelled amphetamine. so, they probably don't know a lot about it.

jewish people do profit from a.d.d. / a.d.h.d., though. for example, teva pharmaceuticals is in israel, and is 1 of the main manufacturers of generic ritalin and adderall.

[–] 0 pt

The quote of the day "I know that when things smell fishy, see if jews are involved."

[–] 0 pt

There is actual ADHD. Probably a result of over vaccination.

[–] 0 pt

I have a son who went to Montessori at age 3. They had a outside evaluator come in and suggest that I classify my son as ADHD because he wouldn't give her a high five. That was this cunt's criteria, he wouldn't give her a high five. I went to her fucking meeting, and against her request I brought my son. I asked him for a high five in front of her and he gave me one, then we went into the most complex high-five sequence known to man, a minute long pattern of precise movements. Then I asked her to offer a high five and he refused again. I gave him a high five and we both walked out. Fuck that cunt.

[–] 0 pt

The ADHD thing was a distraction. The meat of that thread was his theory about conservatives being disproportionately selected to die in WW2 and inflation.

Just wait until he learns about the cause of the 2007 financial crash: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Both are new deal organisations which exist to guarantee private loans with public money in exchange for letting the (((feds))) decide how urban development should look and who should get said loans.

I can give more details if you're interested.

[–] 0 pt

if you're interested.

Yes. Inflation especially.

[–] 1 pt

Ok, so back in the 1930s housing was mostly decided by small, local banks. They had to be small and local because their main job was making loans, and small local banks knew best who was trustworthy or not. It used to be a thing that the three most trustworthy people in a town were the bank manager, the priest and the doctor, because they knew everyone's business and everyone depended on them. The loans they tended to make, were for two story mixed-use buildings with a retail unit on the ground floor, and a housing unit above. Those were the standard "safe" type of development that was guaranteed to have a lot of demand back then.

Unfortunately, there was a rising generation of globalists who thought they knew better. They had grand dreams of whole cities centrally planned from the get-go. The idea of small banks directing development based on what local people actually wanted didn't appeal to them, because that system would never fund their grand visions, so they had to get government involved.

The wall street crash gave them their opportunity. FDR leveraged the crisis to bring in sweeping changes to the country's financial system. One of the concerns he had was that the banks were being too conservative: they weren't taking enough risk. So he created a new system where banks could make a certain number of loans, and the government would guarantee those loans with taxpayer's money, freeing the banks up to make more loans. The only catch was that the banks had to make the kind of loans the government wanted. So instead of the banks deciding which loans should be made on the basis of intricate knowledge of the local economy, the government would decide which loans would be made on the basis of the visions of their central planners.

Banks went from being experts in local financial risk to being experts at applying government regulations. And the thing about interfacing with governments is that it doesn't pay to be small and local, so gradually they all merged or got bought out. And the ones who tried to keep doing things the old way got outcompeted by the free capital being showered out by the government. In order to manage all of this, the feds created two quasi private companies (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) to handle all the paperwork and decide which banks got which loans covered.

And that's how the suburbs happened. Suddenly whites couldn't get loans to build houses in the towns they had spent generations making, they were pushed out into the periphery into new modernist developments where they had to spend half their day commuting to work (creating demand for government built roads) and nobody knew their neighbours. The towns and cities they had put so much work into developing were bought out by jews, allowed to decay, then replaced by soulless architectural monstrosities.

And that's not even the worst part: Because politicians now controlled the level of risk allowed in the market, they were free to boost home-ownership and overheat the economy whenever they felt like for positive press. The voters and the casual media-browsing public didn't know any better. All they knew is that when they voted blue they tended to get cheaper loans and a booming economy, so they keep voting for free stuff, why wouldn't they?

But there's no such thing as a free lunch, and eventually the inevitable happened and all those sub-prime loans went bad. Who'd've thunk it, lending millions to broke niggers results in a lot of defaults. And that's what happened during the financial crisis. The loans went bad, the housing market crashed, and the investors were suddenly holding a lot of useless paper. So the government bailed out the banks, they bailed out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and started the whole thing running again. In fact, not just running, they pressed down a little harder on the gas pedal. Oh and they've also expanded the same system to student loans, thanks Obama.

So the financial crisis is going to happen again and again and again. In fact there's probably one happening right now. Every time it happens the banks will be blamed (but bailed out) and the papers will talk for a while about the "boom-bust cycle of capitalism" and the government will take a little more control of the economy, just to keep things working properly.

[–] 0 pt

thank you

>Just wait until he learns about the cause of the 2007 financial crash: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Both are new deal organisations which exist to guarantee private loans with public money in exchange for letting the (((feds))) decide how urban development should look and who should get said loans.

A good book that goes over this is The Everything Bubble by Graham Summers.

[–] 0 pt

Thanks for the link, its a good read

[–] 0 pt

I was informed by an elementary school teacher (family member) that they use it to control the kids. I volunteered in the classroom & kids eyes rolling up & it’s horrible. It’s CONTROL

[–] 0 pt

Except that’s not how the draft worked. And, uh... yeah... they took any fucking volunteer that signed up.

[–] -1 pt

ADHD is fucking real lol. Autists can convince themselves of anything. Get out of the basement once in a while and you'll realize that reality doesn't match up with retarded internet theories.

[–] 2 pts

Kids acting like kids is not a disease. As for adults, we are all induhviduals. Some are naturally more hyper than others. The jew wants you swallowing pills, period.

[–] -1 pt

Get your conspiracy theories straight. Are kids being exposed to antidepressants and antibiotics in utero becoming autistic and ADHD or not?

[–] 1 pt

Autism is caused by a lot of things. Being hyper is not something that needs to be sedated. Now take your jewpills, slave.

[–] -1 pt

You're obviously a retard who views reality through the internet so I don't expect an intelligent response.

[–] 1 pt

Shaddap and take your jewpills, slave

[–] 0 pt

Sounds like someone needs to take their jewdication.

[–] 0 pt

You fucking cuck lord, give your kids legalized cocaine because a teacher wanted your boy to act like the girls in class. Fuck off.

[–] 0 pt

Hey retard. It's amphetamine, not cocaine. You must have been at the back of the classroom, spazzing out and learning nothing. Dumb nigger.