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It's simple.

push on social media, especially in leftist/neocon/(young) jewish circles to allow for public debate on the holocaust, with the belief that "deniers will have their arguments destroyed" normals who are certain of the official holocaust narrative will agree, and do most of the work for us this will get shut down, obviously, because it's the easiest myth in history to debunk, but it may cause people who were pushing it or at least aware of the moment to raise an eyebrow and ask themselves why Thoughts?


It's simple. >push on social media, especially in leftist/neocon/(young) jewish circles to allow for public debate on the holocaust, with the belief that "deniers will have their arguments destroyed" >normals who are certain of the official holocaust narrative will agree, and do most of the work for us >this will get shut down, obviously, because it's the easiest myth in history to debunk, but it may cause people who were pushing it or at least aware of the moment to raise an eyebrow and ask themselves why Thoughts? https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/312195947

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

New way to out people and track them lol

It will be a great npc conversation.

>Interviewer: So it says here on the antisemitic list that you debated god's chosen 25 years ago. Why should I give you this job?

>Goat: Because I also hate China, just like you do.

>Interviewer: Damn right! That social credit score is against all things freedom! But I as much as I'd love to increase the GDP by hiring you, we don't hire antisemites here.

[–] 0 pt

'I'm a countersemite, not anti'

[–] 4 pts

You could also push a pro simetic holocaust angle here too!

The fake holocaust narrative doesn't benefit the Jews or reduce violence towards them. It benefits the elites that scapegoat them and causes resentment that the Jewish pedophiles and criminals can play the victim when caught.

These tactics have driven the violence against Jews and ending the fake narrative will free the Jews from this cycle of violence while exposing the pathological monsters among them that have done this for millennia.

Having this debate and exposing the lie would reduce violence against Jews and possibly even stop the expulsions and murders completely.

Having this debate is pro Jewish.

[–] 3 pts

^ Dis nigga dialectics n sheeit.

[–] 0 pt

But then you're just enabling the little rat bustards inevitable argument to be a victim. Only way it works is if they admit it all and then migrate to somewhere far away from white civilisation if they can't genuinely change (((we know they cant, think of that episode of south Park where they play ninjas and cartman tries to get kyle to throw his weapon in to the well)))

That's an interesting perspective. It could also build momentum for the case they are manipulative liars and subversion is their nature. The nignogs could become aware of their handlers and realize they would be better off in Africa. (Okay, that last bit is complete fantasy.)

[–] 1 pt

This is good. Doesn’t even have to be successful for us to learn from it.

[–] 0 pt

Success depends greatly on perspective

[–] 0 pt

Are you paraphrasing me?

[–] 0 pt

No, he's pointing out that the only "debates" that will be allowed to be shown to the goy are 100% set ups.

[–] 1 pt

I was typing a lengthy post about how this won't work as you're dealing with a secular religion and not rational actors interested in truth, but I deleted it.

Instead I say: Good luck. I'll help.

[–] 0 pt

Contestant #2. MATH. How did the Nazis cremate the number of bodies claimed with FOUR crematoriums? Shitty math says they should have kept burning bodies until at LEAST 1957.

[–] 0 pt

Ok. Irene Zisblatt is contestant #1. Tell us the tale of how she ate and shit out diamonds. Great. Fucking. Story.

[–] 0 pt

This is how you kike the kikes kikethekikes.

[–] 0 pt
[–] 0 pt

lol, they will NEVER allow this to happen because they KNOW it's all BS.

Can't debate them. When you try they start yelling NO NO NO YOU'RE WRONG! Show them facts and they put their hands over their ears. I used to really give them a chance but they won't listen to reason

[–] 0 pt

I only want to know why anne frank was kept alive. If anyone can answer that I am open ears. Why would you keep a sick child alive in a death camp?

[–] 0 pt

I only want to know why anne frank was kept alive. If anyone can answer that I am open ears. Why would you keep a sick child alive in a death camp?

And her father was in the hospital when it was taken over by the allies. Some "death camp". In all likelihood, Auschwitz was exactly what it was labeled, a work camp.

[–] 1 pt

There Was No Anne Frank, if there had been the Zios who took out the rest of the non Z Jews would have gassed her too.

[–] 0 pt

Anne Frank Hoax.

I've looked into this before. Not buying it.

There Was No Anne Frank, if there had been the Zios who took out the rest of the non Z Jews would have gassed her too.

Weird how you're both promoting that Anne Frank was a hoax and that the gas chambers actually existed.

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