Sure thing untermensch.
I'm only talking about <bad label> and thus not all!!!
while refusing to distinguish either
Do you even know what a "untermensch" is?
Yup. Non-Aryans generally speaking. It literally means subhuman IIRC. Thus a kike, slide, spam account is an untermensch.
"Yup. Non-Aryans generally speaking." Wrong. That is what kikes want you to believe. And you by believing it, are actually helping the jews. so let me give you a hint.
"Untermensch" and "Ubermensch" are terms not coined by the NatSocs, but by Friedrich Nietzsche. Every race has "Untermenschen" and "Ubermenschen". It depends on how they act. If you do something really really bad for your own gain (like kikes do all the time), then the "Untermensch" shows his ugly face in you.
If you rise above yourself and do something which is hard to accomplish but serves the greater good, than the "Ubermensch" shows his face in you. NatSocs never wanted to rule the world, nor genocide shitskins. They wanted to have a strong and healhy race which does not fall prey to jewish subversion and power grabs.
Do not use enemy names/meaning, like this or Holocaust Denier. You can only deny a thing that truly has happened. Holocaust Sceptic would be the better word here. Same thing with "Untermensch".
If you want to find out, if someone is a kike, let them praise Jesus. A true kike will never do it.
(post is archived)