Bullshit! We live in a profoundly sick society and every individual reacts differently to the fact that what is good and healthy has been taken away from us by the jEw. These women are only just as sick as an alcoholic, a hypersexual popper, chads who beat up faggots, or any other sick bullshit like pedos and homos and gamblers and antique-collectors. all just symptoms of the same profound sickness of our modern world.
Dont let anyone tell you women are the enemy, they are just as much a victim like your blackpilled sorry fat ass.
so go fuck yourself. WE will stand united, no matter how much division the jEw wants to sow.
I love my foreskin, and i love women.
WE will stand united, How many of our women do you see on any anti immigration demonstration? Our women are brainwashed by kikes and women in generall love dominant men who do not take them seriously. Become a real man and protect your/our women by enforcing boundaries, rules and never let them race mix. You are a man, you must lead. Otherwise women will use you without remorse.
Halts Maul Jude.
Have you germans become so cucked, that you do not even see truth, when it is right in front of your eyes? You see the jews. But you do not understand women. Read this, observe and come to your own conclusions: https://illimitablemen.com/archives/the-red-pill-constitution/
Women want to be loved. But only by men who they women choose first. And for women, they do chose for powerful men. And since whites are inherently good, white men believe that they can get women by being "nice" - or that if we are nice to the migrants, the migrants will be nice back to us. These things just collide with reality. But then again, who am i to judge. Get your own life experience.
beating up faggots is sick
Thanks. Thankfully I am married to a man like you. How they can look at this and see what they do...I dunno.
got an unmarried friend to spare? =)
nah, but.
I don’t disagree with you, but I think there’s some value at looking closely at the primal drives women have and how these drives are exploited with something like feminism. I think the article is worthwhile for that reason.
You’re 100% correct with everything you said though.
completely wrong. the article does in NO way talk about anything natural or primal. It only talks about some details of in what way exactly the sickness of society manifests itself in a certain loud minority of women.
BIG Difference...
all that is publicly told about women is always refferring to that loud minority. The few who give in and live their sickness like those in the article or the kardashians or other nigger-scum are put on public display, and people are stupid enough to think they are stupid because female, not that they are stupid because Nigger or lonely Psycho...
in a healthy society, every woman has a man and every man has a woman, and the very few who dont arent paraded as examples of good virtue, like the jEwish media is doing today...
so you see? that article is just jEwish Propaganda.
The drive to be dominated is a basic primal drive of women. That’s all I meant.
Also things can be wrong without being kike propaganda.
Primal drives effect all of us. Truthfully, this article has not touched on any primal drives that I have actually experienced (as a uterus owning individual) or my friends have reported.
I totally agree, this (((propaganda))) is designed to drive men away from the nurturing care of an awesome wife.
You don't disagree with the outed subversive? You are part of the problem.
No I’m not part of the problem for not already knowing someone’s history in my first response to them. You are part of the problem for defaulting to attack mode just to let me know he’s a shill. It’s not necessary.
(post is archived)