yes, also hundreds of years ago an uneducated faggot could write a book about how much he hates women.
and you regurgitating his imagination doesnt make it any more true.
the golden age of islam ended because arabs replaced the persians by immigration and outbreeding them and forcefully taking positions of power.
just like jEws and Muslims do today.
we dont need separation between man and woman
we need unity inside the whole White race.
tell that to a women and see if it resonate with her. from a llogical standpoint you are right. But women must be first drawn to you, to even listen to your gospel. Women are drawn to power. Thats why, when migrants take over, our former women will have no problem with selling us out. mark my words.
Be an alpha male or whatever that means to you, but do not believe in fairy tales about the nature of our women.
lol, you dont know me.
and you dont know women.
now shut up and be a good boy.
you do know that your tv is lying to you, right?
"lol, you dont know me." your posts indicate, that you are easily to trigger when you perceive things that do not fit into your perception of reality. Work on controlling your emtions. Otherwise kikes will use it against you.
(post is archived)