ADL went after them as a "hotbed of hate." Bitchute cucked and started purging accounts such as Hail Victory, White Power, etc. Then they started to purge holohoax revisionism videos and now it's fallen off and all we got now are Christian conservative material with some Alt-Light material sprinkled in.
You also need to consider the fact that this was inevitable since their servers are hosted in the U.K.
You’ll want to use Odysee and LBRY for your based content needs. I believe LBRY has some magical blockchain technology or something that somehow makes censorship impossible. I forget the details, but give them a look and you’ll not be disappointed.
I have an account with Odysee.
Got some proof of this? I'd love to read more about it from something other than a forum comment.Because I can still see a shit load of white power content on Bitchute.
https://www. adl .org/blog/bitchute-a-hotbed-of-hate
Well I was writing out a response to you about how the ADL saying what it's said is not proof that they're "censoring" viewpoints. I even went so far as to say that Bitchute's "Prohibited Content" policy has always been a bit vague but it has ALWAYS specifically said that you may not advocate for direct violence against people. Freedom of speech has limitations, obviously, and not being able to say "KILL ALL JEWS", as an example, has always been forbidden on that platform, just never enforced until maybe recently. And I was about to link you to their Prohibited Content policy and I decided to re-read it myself and ... you know what? You're right! They even expanded the Prohibited Content definitions since I read it last (which was a few months ago). Now it says you can't even deny that atrocities have happened to people.
"Posting, celebrating, endorsing, glorifying, denying the existence of, linking to or otherwise promoting content containing the following activities is strictly prohibited on the platform."
Denying the existence of? So saying "The Holocaust is bullshit" is prohibited? LOL That's not the only change. They have changed a lot of their policies, especially surrounding UK law. Just scrolling through it is a cluster-fuck of vagueries and outright anti freedom of speech policies. It's incredible.
Wow! Well, I stand corrected. Thanks for sharing and perhaps I should have checked there before I asked for proof. Sorry about that.
(post is archived)