The germans had all the problems we have right now
Arguable. We're about 5-15 years off depending on your country in the West until we reach peak Weimar conditions.
Sure we have inflation, but not rapid and uncontrollable hyper-inflation yet. Although this time I think they will let FIAT currencies collapse and usher in a new age of state controlled cryptocurrency so we might go mark of the beast route instead of buying loaves of bread with a wheelbarrow of cash.
No child and animal prostitution yet, although onlyfans etc is getting us there with 18 year old girls signing up on their birthdays. I have seen mother/daughter onlyfans make the news. But no physical prostitution yet thats onpar with Weimar. Of course with Weimar conditions you'll also have people literally selling their children to pedophiles like any other piece of property you own.
We do have a few things set in place, like communism widely accepted by the populace as well as leftist authoritarianism. Demonization of native European populations and of course jews with full control over State, Legislature and the Courts. As well as media and finance. We also have widely accepted faggotry and transgenderism
If you think we're in Weimar, its going to get so, so much worse for us. Morally we're pretty much there, but economically the kikes still have a lot to do. This whole great reset will speed that up a lot though. You all haven't seen nothing yet.
Next steps will be acceptance of pedophilia, and I think they'll drop physical debt based currency and go to centralized crypto so they can starve out people like us who won't be able to use it. In my humble opinion.
We arguably have out of control deflation which is arguably worse than out of control inflation. The constant increases in money supply, which these Covid lockdowns are only accelerating, are a finger in the dyke approach to these deflationary pressures. The ECB hasn’t turned off the money printers since 2015, the US keeps pretending to be stopping but is now into their fourth QE program. Despite this both regions struggle to even reach 2% inflation consistently. Either the deflationary pressures rescind, in which case the long term money supply expansions which have already occurred could easily spark hyperinflation, or the money supply expansions stop being effective, deflation kicks in and production grinds to a halt.
Honestly I haven't even done research into deflation, but isn't it a good thing?
No! It’s a disaster! Why would you buy something today that will be cheaper in six months? Why buy it in six months if it’ll be cheaper in a year? So demand side crashes for all but essential purchases. And more importantly why produce something today when you don’t know how much what you produce will be worth in six months/a year, but you know it will be worth less? Can today’s cost of production be covered by tomorrow’s sale price?
Deflation causes production to grind to a halt with demand crashing on one side and only downside risk on the supply side. The money machine has been going brrr for the last decade to try and counter this to stop that happening.
(post is archived)