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The first ever English translation of Hermann Wieland’s epic retelling of the esoteric history of Atlantis and the truth about ancient Aryan religion. Atlantis Edda & Bible by Hermann Wieland (1925) https://archive.org/details/aebhw25

A german scholar reveals after decades of research, that Atlantis was the Doggerland Sandbank in the North Sea/Helgoland: https://archive.org/details/atlantis-the-mystery-unraveled-jurgen-spanuth-1956-226pgs-civ.sml

Who is interested in such things can also have a look at the alleged Jewish star. The original symbol is an Indo-European-Aryan the Shatkona: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shatkona

In ancient India, which was conquered by the Aryans (the nobles) several thousand years ago, the Shatkona/Jewish Star and the Swastika still exist side by side in harmony. The Shatkona shows the connection of heaven/God (triangle downwards) with the earth/human being (triangle upwards). The human being as a being from the earth (earthy = earthy) with a divine spark.

The swastika is a symbol for eternity and therefore for God himself. Therefore, it is not surprising that in Armenia there are symbols consisting of Shatkona/Jewish star and swastika in the center together. A symbol of the eternity of God. That is why the swastika is always associated with God/Gods among Hindus and also among ancient Germanic peoples

The Jews simply passed off this originally Indo-Germanic symbol (Shatkona) as their own after the 30 Years War (after the siege of the city of Prague).

Another interesting fact: God comes from Godan. Godan is the Gothic (Germanic tribe) name for Wotan/Odin.

By the way, the number 1 in Russian (Indo-European language) is: один – Odin. Odin the First.

The Second: Two – Twa – Two – Ziu

Ziu (Indo-Germanic related to Zeus) in the course of time becomes Tiwaz, then Tuisto. Tuisto becomes Teutz. Teutz becomes Teutsch over the centuries. Teutsch becomes Deutsch (German).

The Germans therefore trace their origin directly back to Odin, since in one version of Norse lore the god Tiwaz is the son of Odin.

It is of course altogether a little complicated, since so many millennia have passed and there are also researchers who say that once Ziu was the main god of the Germanic tribes.

But: Odin = 1 (One) Ziu = 2 (Two)

So, with a little bit of self-confidence we can say the following: that the really chosen people is the people of the Germans, because they are descended from God.

In the Edda it is written that Odin (Godan/God) breathes his breath (Odem = Odin) into an ash tree trunk (symbol for the world tree = DNA) and thus gives it life and thus begets the first humans. The German man as a being from the earth (starting from the legendary progenitor Tuisto) with a divine (life) spark (soul).

The Roman historian Tacitus writes in his Germania about the world of gods of the Germanic peoples:

“As progenitors and founders of their nationhood, they [the Teutons] glorify Tuisto, a god sprung from the earth, and his son Mannus in ancient songs – the only kind of historical tradition that exists among them.”

– Tacitus: Germania 2,2

Perhaps this explains our high creative power and inventiveness.

The fact is, we have to do everything so that we do not become extinct, or better said, exterminated.

“With the rediscovery of Germania in the 16th century, Tuisto, from now on called Thuiskon with many spelling variants, was also rediscovered. He henceforth functioned as the progenitor of the German nation and was immortalized as such in countless works by contemporary writers and poets.”

World Literature:

Tacitus’ Germania: https://archive.org/details/agricolaandgerm00tacigoog

Honour your ancestors: https://archive.org/details/krigens-ansikt/page/n1/mode/2up