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[–] 3 pts

Crows are incredible. I've read so many stories and seen videos of them solving problems or showing an immense understanding of human behavior. Definitely smarter than the average African.

[–] 0 pt

Taste.like chicken.

[–] 1 pt

Oh no, here we go again!

[–] 2 pts

Huginn and Muninn agrees.

[–] 2 pts

I was in an open empty parking lot once and kept hearing this loud noise that sounded like a drop of water dripping into a bucket. I kept looking around and there was nothing there. I finally saw a crow sitting up on top of a street light and he was making the sound. I wasn't aware prior to this how good they are a mimicking sounds.

I also had a friend that took a crow egg out of the nest and hatched it herself. He would follow them behind the school bus to school and back. He would try to land on people's shoulders and freak them out. I gave him a little toy tractor and he would fly it up to the top of the metal barn roof, let it go and then catch it just as it dropped off the bottom and fly it back to the top again. It always surprised me how he would stick around being free outside, unlike other birds born in captivity.

[–] 2 pts

When I was young there was this crow that would follow me when I would ride my bike anywhere. He would fly ahead to the next traffic sign and sit on top of it waiting for me to pass and soon as I passed he would fly ahead to the next sign, for every inch of all my journeys. If I would go into a store or someone's house the bird would perch on top of a sign and wait until I cam out and then follow me to my next destination or back to home. That kind of freaked me out, why the fuck is this bird following me everywhere I go?

[–] 1 pt


I see OP is not as smart as either crows nor blacks.

[–] 0 pt

imagine being a grammar cuck in 2021

[–] 1 pt

No man. Crows are smart.

But you have a low IQ for even entertaining birds can rank higher

[–] 0 pt

they rank higher then blacks

[–] 1 pt


You sure seem to have trouble understanding the difference between comparison and time sequences. And yet we are supposed to believe you're smarter than niggers.

[–] 0 pt

Do you have shit for brains?

[–] 0 pt

explain ?

[–] 0 pt

Does Daniel look like a nigger to you?

[–] 0 pt

Niggers, nevermore, nevermore.

[–] 0 pt

I'd like to see a crow fight an octopus

[–] 0 pt

a IQ fight ?

[–] 0 pt

It could be a puzzle competition or like tekken.

You know crows bring children gifts if they feed em.

Who says we need them, and why? I've never seen that argument here.

[–] 2 pts

you never herd the "we need to red pill blacks, they are great allies" cuck posts ? or "muh based nigger" or "black man, not nigger" cuckservative posts ? maybe VOAT was more cucked then POAL

they never say "why", because there is no good reason

I take those as more of use your enemy against your enemy, not that we're actually better off for them being here. I thought someone was defending immigration.

What can you say?

Crows are black but not black.

[–] 0 pt

Scrawny legged, always jumping around, often unruly, squawking, preoccupied with shiny baubles...

...any time they're in a group people's thoughts turn to a murder.

Sorry crows, I've got some bad news for you...

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