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[–] 4 pts

All doctors know is what the drug company reps tell them, and that if they prescribe so much of certain drugs, they get bonuses. They won't tell you to stop eating sugar and carbs, they'll just prescribe insulin and statins to treat diabetes and high blood pressure.

[–] 4 pts

I work in medical IT. The crap we do to cover for these morons is insane. We spend millions a year crunching numbers to give them bonuses on them just doing their damned jobs. If they document a certain amount of things, bonus, if they document on time, bonus, if they collect stats that we send to the gov, bonus. It's disgusting. We track how much opiates they prescribe because they can be sued and so the company I work for can be sued if they over prescribe. We track everything they do and they still demand 'AI' write their damned notes for them. 99% are greedy, lazy, despicable people and most are now Indians which makes the Idiocracy and greed even worse.