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My spouse has had high blood pressure for quite a while now and I'm afraid she'll soon take the doctor's word for it and start taking pills. Latest was like 200/100 or so. Her pulse, however is around 65 so that's pretty good.

Any advice or ideas on what we could try instead?

We've both been eating low carb/ keto/ carnivore for years. She, oddly enough has not lost any weight where as I dropped quite a bit almost immediately after quitting carbs. There's no way she could be eating sweets etc. without my knowledge since we live in the middle of the woods, have no shops around and we go to the grocery store together.

She's been under a lot stress due to pressure at work which lead to a bad burnout. And then there's the highly troubled relationship with her mom.

We are quite active and get tons of fresh air.

My spouse has had high blood pressure for quite a while now and I'm afraid she'll soon take the doctor's word for it and start taking pills. Latest was like 200/100 or so. Her pulse, however is around 65 so that's pretty good. Any advice or ideas on what we could try instead? We've both been eating low carb/ keto/ carnivore for years. She, oddly enough has not lost any weight where as I dropped quite a bit almost immediately after quitting carbs. There's no way she could be eating sweets etc. without my knowledge since we live in the middle of the woods, have no shops around and we go to the grocery store together. She's been under a lot stress due to pressure at work which lead to a bad burnout. And then there's the highly troubled relationship with her mom. We are quite active and get tons of fresh air.
[–] 0 pt (edited )


This guy has a great take on cholesterol that I completely agree with from what I have read, so his take on blood pressure is likely accurate, as well.

I have not looked much into high blood pressure other than the drugs my bf is on. I can't control what he does so I haven't done a lot of research. I do know that salt is not really a factor unless you have kidney issues.

Has she had her thyroid checked? Once I got mine under control a lot of things settled down for me and I lost nearly 100lbs in a year and half without changing my diet. My bp was high when I was forced on SSRIs and took a few years to go back to normal.

[–] 0 pt

Thanks. Did not have the time to go through the whole article but seems really interesting. I think she had her thyroid checked about two years ago but I'll ask her.