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My spouse has had high blood pressure for quite a while now and I'm afraid she'll soon take the doctor's word for it and start taking pills. Latest was like 200/100 or so. Her pulse, however is around 65 so that's pretty good.

Any advice or ideas on what we could try instead?

We've both been eating low carb/ keto/ carnivore for years. She, oddly enough has not lost any weight where as I dropped quite a bit almost immediately after quitting carbs. There's no way she could be eating sweets etc. without my knowledge since we live in the middle of the woods, have no shops around and we go to the grocery store together.

She's been under a lot stress due to pressure at work which lead to a bad burnout. And then there's the highly troubled relationship with her mom.

We are quite active and get tons of fresh air.

My spouse has had high blood pressure for quite a while now and I'm afraid she'll soon take the doctor's word for it and start taking pills. Latest was like 200/100 or so. Her pulse, however is around 65 so that's pretty good. Any advice or ideas on what we could try instead? We've both been eating low carb/ keto/ carnivore for years. She, oddly enough has not lost any weight where as I dropped quite a bit almost immediately after quitting carbs. There's no way she could be eating sweets etc. without my knowledge since we live in the middle of the woods, have no shops around and we go to the grocery store together. She's been under a lot stress due to pressure at work which lead to a bad burnout. And then there's the highly troubled relationship with her mom. We are quite active and get tons of fresh air.
[–] 1 pt

Hawthorn berry. Cayenne pepper. Garlic. Please look up Barbara O,Neill.

[–] 1 pt

We've seen some of her videos. We'll search for bp related stuff of her's. Thanks

[–] 1 pt

I had mildly high BP 160/105 through my high stress engineering career. I quit about 20 years ago, my BP dropped to around 105/72 ever since - without meds. Stress was the culprit for my higher BP.

[–] 1 pt

That's great, good for you mate. Hope you found something better.

Fortunately her work related stress as such has been dealt with as she quit but the burnout was quite a bad one and her resilience is still close to zero and she's still struggling with accepting the outcome. We've done pretty much what we can to make everything less stressful like moving out of the city and just trying to take it easy.

Unfortunately the situation with her mom is getting worse and we have pretty much no way out of it.

[–] 1 pt

Hope you found something better.

I did! I essentially retired at 45. I created a passive RE business and made far more $$$ than while busting my ass in engineering for 24 years. No regrets on the decision but really missed the challenges of bleeding edge tech and working with the brilliant people involved in it. "Retiring" young allowed me the freedom to be there to help my widowed mom in her last 8 years of life. I'm so very thankful for that.

If your wife's BP doesn't improve, the BP meds will be necessary. My ex-gf's son (think HS years to early 30's and 6' 260lbs of muscle, shaped like a linebacker) had very high BP, she put him on BP meds early. You could tell when he hadn't taken his pills, he would get quick tempered and irritable after a couple of days.

[+] [deleted] 1 pt
[–] 0 pt

Just an update: Measured her bp this morning and it was 210/110 with a heart rate of 60. Needless to say she got really worried. We found out she had a prescription for some high bp meds so I drove to the pharmacy and after about 6 hours the pressure had come down to 155/95 which is still high but a lot better. Surprisingly her heart rate had gone up to 75 like her heart was trying it's best to fight the meds and keep the pressure up...

Anyway, we'll see how it goes with the pills and see if we're able to exercise more, do something about the stress/anxiety and do something nutritionwise to get off the meds at some point.

Thank you all for your input. Appreciated.

[–] 0 pt (edited )


This guy has a great take on cholesterol that I completely agree with from what I have read, so his take on blood pressure is likely accurate, as well.

I have not looked much into high blood pressure other than the drugs my bf is on. I can't control what he does so I haven't done a lot of research. I do know that salt is not really a factor unless you have kidney issues.

Has she had her thyroid checked? Once I got mine under control a lot of things settled down for me and I lost nearly 100lbs in a year and half without changing my diet. My bp was high when I was forced on SSRIs and took a few years to go back to normal.

[–] 0 pt

Thanks. Did not have the time to go through the whole article but seems really interesting. I think she had her thyroid checked about two years ago but I'll ask her.