It does, that's why shabbos goy Ron went to Israel to sign that anti-1A bill to protect his jew masters in Florida.
I suppose the flyers are effective. I don't see a lot of people watching HD on Omegle and his Gab doesn't do that well. Maybe people are just afraid to be Obvious supporters.
Way more people are already mildly aware about the jewish supremacy that is rampant in the media and politics.
They just don't openly talk about it because of that degenerate cancel culture jews have been pushing to scare/silence/ruin the lives of the noticing goyim.
I agree. I've been doing my part whenever I get the opportunity. It used to be followed by eye rolls and scoffs. Now it's more silence or even agreement.
Depending on platform, there is always an active to passive ratio. Sometimes called a lurker ratio. This is why comments are effective and why every platform attempts to censor them. None more than YouTube.
The ratios can 1:1 to one to millions. In other words, for every one comment, some larger multiple rejected the passive, silent majority who are weighing and evaluating what has been said. This is why platforms like Twitter throttle public message dissemination and YouTube throttles channel growth. It's acknowledgement of high lurker access.
They are scared because they are losing and steadily growing in exposure. This is why it's pro-Jew black pills bullshit when people constantly claim we're losing and nothing is happening (at best; and why shills are trained to push the lie). People know the world is sick. Everyday more people wake there is a small minority is purposely doing all of this to genocide Whites and permanently seize global power (which is failing)..
People don't have to know everything you do to make a difference. Black pillers (cancer), shills/Jews/useful idiots will tell you otherwise.
It's hard to be patient sometimes.
(post is archived)