I completely understand people hating jews. That shit ain't glowie to me 1 bit. Certain points you say things that were stupid. I joked about selling my account on voat once and I've never seen so many pissed comments. In retrospect I completely understand now but I was prettier inebriated just trolling. Then another time mother fuckers jumps my shit because I said something about Trump at the time and it was anything crazy or anything. I believe it had something to do with Trump and israel and some comments were talking about the SS or some shit. I don't drink anymore... more than a year and a half sober and I got wasted a few weeks ago with my drunk Navajo friend.
Please keep your head on your shoulders. We need you.
I'll be good I'm just really tired right now. I'll be back on tomorrow and you all don't have to worry. I think highly of you all and no worries I'll keep my wits about me and won't lose my head. Goodnight
(post is archived)