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[–] 4 pts

Racism is a term coined by (((them))) and this poster seems (((suspect)))

[–] 2 pts (edited )

First extensively used by the (((soviets))) as a political tool to shut down any debate and stir up shit in the west, just like leftards do since decades now, yes. But not coined. https://poal.co/s/Videos/386931/dc028d67-65d4-4a00-be8d-c97830e28864

In the 1970s–1980s there was a popular Soviet joke mocking official propaganda.

An American citizen calls the Soviet radio station and asks: - Can an ordinary Soviet engineer afford to buy a car? After a long silent pause the radio station answers: - Mmm… and what about you lynching Blacks?

Gaston Méry and Charles Mauras used it way before bolcheviks were even a thing, and they were anything but semitophiles, let alone jews https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/27982/was-the-word-racist-coined-by-trotsky-in-1927


Gaston Méry told the Comité Nationale Antijuif that, just as Cato the Elder had always said "Carthage must be destroyed", "I end by telling you, we must destroy the Jews."[13] Méry published his novel Jean Révolte at Dentu in 1892, with a main character modelled on Drumont.[3] In this novel he expounded a new and very personal theory he called le Racisme.[2] The difference is that while Dumont hated Jews, Révolte hated southerners, and felt that only in the north was the Gallic blood pure.[3] Behind the southerner, Jean Révolte immediately discovers the Jew: "If under the Greek we discover the Aryan, by scratching the Latin we find the Semite".[4] In his racial theory, although the French nobility was German and the bourgeoisie was Latin, the common people of northern France were purely Celtic.[3] Mery wrote:

Our forebears destroyed the Bastille, which was then the symbol of oppression; we will bring down the Bourse, which symbolises oppression today. They drove out the aristocrats and priests; we will chase away the shady dealers of finance and politics. We will show the people that the Revolution profited only the Midi, where it started; that only the Latins and the Jews gain any benefit from it, and that it must be fought again because it did nothing to give us our freedom, but only replaced our masters. The ousted nobles were succeeded by the Jacobins, the Church by Freemasonry. Who would dare maintain that we have gained by the change?[14]


Maurras became involved in politics at the time of the Dreyfus affair, becoming an Anti-Dreyfusard. He endorsed Colonel Henry's forgery blaming Dreyfus, as he considered that defending Dreyfus weakened the Army and the justice system. According to Maurras, Dreyfus was to be sacrificed on the altar of national interest.[3] But while the Republican nationalist thinker Barrès accused Dreyfus of being guilty because of his Jewishness, Maurras went a step further, vilifying the "Jewish Republic".[3] While Barrès' anti-Semitism originated both in pseudo-scientific racist contemporary theories and Biblical exegesis, Maurras decried "scientific racism" in favor of a more radical "state anti-Semitism."[3] Maurras assisted with the foundation of the nationalist and anti-Dreyfusard Ligue de la patrie française at the end of 1898, along with Maurice Barrès, the geographer Marcel Dubois, the poet François Coppée and the critic and literature professor Jules Lemaître.[5]


Now has the word "racist" been first coined/imported in russian language by soviets, and more precisely trotsky? Maybe, idk, I need to make more researches on the matter to be able to tell.

[–] 0 pt

You're attacking me for dividing equal people and racism doesn't exist. You should spend one month in Black neighborhood and you will change your mind.

[–] 0 pt

Race and racism doesn't exist. We are different species altogether - if anything, we're then "specie-ist" or something.

[–] 0 pt

You can’t be something that isn’t even real. Do Eagles hate rabbits for their “race”? No, they know their place is way above them in the natural order of things. Just like rats are annoying but they’re just pests not humans, niggers are apes and the problem is that we’re treating them like they’re not so we end up with the Jewish shitstain we see in the Western World.

[–] 0 pt

Now your original comment makes perfect sense. You think eagle and rabbit is same species but different race.

You should look at ants. Fire ants, black and brown ants and many more ants, they do not mix. Also they don't mix with rabbits nor eagles.

[–] 0 pt

He wouldn't survive 48 hours.