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Jab your thumbs to the eyes and push deep,

Retarded. It sounds so easy. "Just kick/grab their balls and gouge their eyes, then press your fingers into their throat"- all of this pressure point bullshit is useless garbage that doesn't work.

Absolute proof that eye gouging doesn't work- how many murderers who used strangling to kill are missing eyeballs? How many serial rapists have crushed testicles or fucked up eyeballs? You don't think a rape victim is desperately scratching at her attacker's face? All that'll do is piss him off, and then he'll strike the victim from a position of strength. Rape victims have their attacker on top of them, with their balls hanging out- shouldn't the victims just be able to grab their balls and crush them, and thus end the rape/murder? But that doesn't happen. Why? Because it doesn't work.

Pressure points are bullshit in a fight. One of the greatest things mass video surveillance has given us is thousands of hours of fight footage, from all kinds of circumstances- from competition, to silly street fights, to desperate struggles of life/death. And none of the combatants ever get stopped or put down with a fucking eye poke or a groin grab. Fights get ended with knockouts or ferocious stunning strikes, blows to the chin/jaw/temple are easiest for KO. Strikes to the nose are great for stunning and setting up a follow-up strike for a KO.

Hit the ears with your fists,

This is actually good stuff. You can see this in combat sports, often called an "equilibrium shot": strikes to the ear/just behind the ear can KO someone, but they will almost always make them dizzy and shake up their brain a bit. Foot stomping is great too, when clinched up with your opponent. Also use shoulder strikes, like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwG57TsYS-M

You also mention using the palm- this is wise. Boxers/MMA fighters/kickboxers wear gloves not to protect their opponent's skull- they wear gloves to keep their hands from breaking. It's really easy to break your bare hand when you punch a skull, especially if you hit the hard parts of the skull. However, if you use the Bas Rutten style of palm strike- pull your hand as far back as possible, and "punch" with the bone of your wrist just beneath the palm, you can throw straights/hooks/uppercuts etc. with the same technique as though you were using a fist.

I just wish people would stop with the "just grab their groin" or other pressure point type nonsense. We know it's bullshit, we know it doesn't work against a determined attacker.