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[–] 8 pts

This is bullshit. Niggers don’t get mad when they’re sent home from work.

[+] [deleted] 1 pt
[–] 0 pt

I just found out a person I knew died. That's the 3rd one in a month. And you made me laugh. Though I did just take a few shots.

[–] 0 pt

Sorry to hear that, but glad I could help a little.

[–] 0 pt

Well she died last month in a freak car crash while she was at work, and I didn't hear about it until someone up the street told me today. I generally miss all these freak accident tragedy porn "news" articles.

2 people in my building died after getting jabbed. I got bursitis and spike headaches after they were giving out free shots down the street. Cohencidence?

[–] 5 pts

Was that a machete or a banana, because I don't see any blood and he struck someone from behind in the neck with it.

[–] [deleted] 15 pts

even their murder weapon doesn't want to work

[–] 4 pts

It looks like one of those El Cheapo Chinese made machetes you'd get off eBay or Amazon for $5 which are thin as fuck and will bend so much they won't do a lot of damage or hold an edge.

[–] 1 pt

Probably unsharpened.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Thank goodness.

Niggers cannot sharpen blades or practice marksmanship otherwise the Chiraq numbers would be more impressive.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

He was just looking for help filling out his college applications!

[–] 3 pts

That nigger is still alive...he clearly was not unrelaxed enough.

[–] 3 pts

Plead not guilty lmfao..

[–] 3 pts


[–] 1 pt

'Well sheit man, come on, i didn't kill her '

[–] 2 pts


[–] 2 pts

if there’s ever to be a return to western civilization, resolution of incidents like this will involve the euthanasia of the immediate family of this animal. it will be done out in public in the neighborhood that spawned the animal as to encourage reassessment for niggers in how they go about rearing their niglet turd offspring.

[–] 6 pts

We're always told lynchings happen to innocent black men in the south on their way to church. Truth is I bet it was shit just like this.

[–] 1 pt

Pedophiles in the old days went for a Louisiana swamp ride...chomp chomp gator.

[–] 0 pt

More white people were lynched during those times than blacks.

Also lynchings were usually law enforcement deputized posses chasing criminals after a crime.

[–] 1 pt

Niggers. Seriously. I hate these fucking niggers.

[–] 1 pt

The nigger wanted to behead the woman with that hit. Fortunately for her the machete was just a prop.

[–] 0 pt


I am considering machetes as blunt weapons, most of the time, because they are not great for drawing cuts (usually) and are meant to be used the same way you would swing a club.

So what did this guy do that ensured his survival? CLOSED THE DISTANCE AND STAYED CLOSE, IN "UPPERCUT RANGE", THE ENTIRE TIME. The worst thing you can do in this situation is move away and get into the "sweet spot" striking distance of the machete or baseball bat or w/e. You get on the end of a swing, you're going to get split open... but you close in, and suddenly that weapon loses most of its effectiveness. A dumb attacker will now spend all of their energy/time fumbling and struggling to get some distance so they can hack at the victim, but if you smother that sonofabitch and maybe pepper him with short, tight uppercuts or elbows while you isolate his weapon arm/side (95% of the time it's the right hand).

I'd never advocate for engaging someone using a weapon like a machete or knife when you are unarmed- you should run away, if you can. But if you can't, or if you're protecting someone (preferably your own blood), then this is how you do it- smother long range/medium ranged melee weapons. Smother them so that the attacker can't get a good swing, and they will become frustrated- THEY BEGAN THE ATTACK THINKING "dis gon' be easeh, i gotz a muh-sheeeite" BUT WHEN THEY STRUGGLE TO DO ANY DAMAGE WITH IT, THEY MAY QUICKLY FOLD.

[–] 0 pt

The guy should have shot him so he could have done better.

[–] 0 pt

You grab groins. You become a groin grabber.

[–] 1 pt

Jab your thumbs to the eyes and push deep, sharp blow up under the nose with the palm of a closed fist. Hit the ears with your fists, slam your shoe onto his instep.

I was attacked once and pulled down by my hair. I used an elbow to bust his nose and clawed his cheek, and he let me up. I grabbed a knife and he left. Crazy fucking family member.

[–] 0 pt

LOL I've had shit like that happen to me in public by strangers, and the fucking cops blame you for defending yourself. They wouldn't even hand my knife back to me. I had to keep pushing and one of them insisted on putting inside a zipped pocket of my bag. Of course he was doing an illegal search and that was his in.

[–] 0 pt

Jab your thumbs to the eyes and push deep,

Retarded. It sounds so easy. "Just kick/grab their balls and gouge their eyes, then press your fingers into their throat"- all of this pressure point bullshit is useless garbage that doesn't work.

Absolute proof that eye gouging doesn't work- how many murderers who used strangling to kill are missing eyeballs? How many serial rapists have crushed testicles or fucked up eyeballs? You don't think a rape victim is desperately scratching at her attacker's face? All that'll do is piss him off, and then he'll strike the victim from a position of strength. Rape victims have their attacker on top of them, with their balls hanging out- shouldn't the victims just be able to grab their balls and crush them, and thus end the rape/murder? But that doesn't happen. Why? Because it doesn't work.

Pressure points are bullshit in a fight. One of the greatest things mass video surveillance has given us is thousands of hours of fight footage, from all kinds of circumstances- from competition, to silly street fights, to desperate struggles of life/death. And none of the combatants ever get stopped or put down with a fucking eye poke or a groin grab. Fights get ended with knockouts or ferocious stunning strikes, blows to the chin/jaw/temple are easiest for KO. Strikes to the nose are great for stunning and setting up a follow-up strike for a KO.

Hit the ears with your fists,

This is actually good stuff. You can see this in combat sports, often called an "equilibrium shot": strikes to the ear/just behind the ear can KO someone, but they will almost always make them dizzy and shake up their brain a bit. Foot stomping is great too, when clinched up with your opponent. Also use shoulder strikes, like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwG57TsYS-M

You also mention using the palm- this is wise. Boxers/MMA fighters/kickboxers wear gloves not to protect their opponent's skull- they wear gloves to keep their hands from breaking. It's really easy to break your bare hand when you punch a skull, especially if you hit the hard parts of the skull. However, if you use the Bas Rutten style of palm strike- pull your hand as far back as possible, and "punch" with the bone of your wrist just beneath the palm, you can throw straights/hooks/uppercuts etc. with the same technique as though you were using a fist.

I just wish people would stop with the "just grab their groin" or other pressure point type nonsense. We know it's bullshit, we know it doesn't work against a determined attacker.

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