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[–] 24 pts

That was 2019. They (Poland) did it again a few weeks ago at the European Championship. https://files.catbox.moe/8c0ukv.mp4

[–] [deleted] 30 pts

Who imagined Poland would be one of the sanest countries in Clown World?

[–] 15 pts

No they have holohoax denial law.

[–] [deleted] 7 pts

And screen-doors on submarines, I was told as a kid.

[–] 2 pts

Name a first world country that doesn't

[–] 0 pt

Only because they're a part of the EU. ONLY. Which is up in the air as we speak.

[–] 3 pts

The ones they insult (ie polish joke) are the ones the fear.

[+] [deleted] 8 pts
[–] 17 pts

An Aryan goddess beats the nogress at jogging. A beautiful thing.

[–] 12 pts

No watermelon at the end is why.

[–] 9 pts

Outstanding!!!!!!!! Go white girls, white power, white pride, and just plain proud to be WHITE!

[–] 4 pts

I'd win too, if those things were chasing me.

[–] 2 pts

I'm not even a runner but yeah, if saw those disgusting sheboons running at me, I'd run too. I don't like confrontations with animals and monkeys bother and worry me.

[–] 4 pts

at 0:07, you see the “fuckin niggers” look and then she turns on the afterburners

[–] [deleted] 4 pts (edited )

Id like to see a lure like they use on the dog tracks except it instead of a fox skin, it would be a pumpkin spice latte and a pair of uggs. White girls would win every race.

[–] 10 pts

What would they use for you? A handful of change and a box of foreskins? Oy vey!

[–] 3 pts


[–] 1 pt

modern black are not the same breed of the ones coming out of africa, they get corrupted by modern world faster since there is no IQ to protect them.

We are different, what is fair is to be given everybody the same opportunity

Stopy crying racist if you do not win the race

[–] [deleted] 2 pts (edited )

Contrary to popular belief, IQ has nothing to do with how susceptible you are to brainwashing. I used to study this when I was a kid, after I encountered a cult on YouTube called the Destini cult. They had shaved heads, channeled the spirit of Hitler, the whole nine yards. So I became fascinated by how people can be sucked into utterly bizarre belief systems, and initially thought that they were just stupid. Here's an overview I dug up (relationshipabuse-recovery.com) and it makes sense if you think about it. In universities there are highly intelligent people sucked into the suicidal death cult of liberalism.

I'd actually argue that being stupid as hell might SHIELD you against brainwashing. When I was a kid, I was kinda stupid/naive, so they had us do this goofy school project called "beyond the rainbow", which was about slavery and racism. All the other kids were writing these poems about how one day we will transcend slavery and racism, and my happy ass was just like "I love rainbows, rainbows are fucking cool. You could be standing inside one right now and you wouldn't even know it! Hell yes. Rainbows". Like I honestly don't remember at the time having the slightest fucking idea about these themes involving racism and slavery. At all.

I literally still have it sitting in a box. I've always found it extremely fascinating to look back on and analyze how I managed to escape the death cult. I still don't have a definitive answer, just speculation.

[–] 2 pts

Intelligence has different shades, math, music, painting, writing, taking care of yourself, taking care of your family

You may be smart in one area, less so in another but you can derive an average on all the fields

You pick one example, yes, may happen, so what ?

To be healthy and quick in today society you must avoid all the junk food, all the distractions, focus on the target and this requires something particular

I say that the genetic advantage that black had in sports will fade away pretty quickly the more they live in modern world since the required facus in long term aims and required attention to on life style, diet are mostly missing.

Yes, you may show some specific counter examples, but that is not a trend nor an average.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

Yeah I wasn't so much commenting on the black aspect, just brainwashing and IQ in general. If I had to speculate, I think it has more to do with other aspects like humility.

It can be unsettling to realize we are all susceptible of being brainwashed and inculcated into a cult. And I came to the conclusion that most of us ARE brainwashed and inculcated into some form of cult in some way.

But attributes like humility actually give you the ability to self-reflect, analyze, and revise your belief system. Because one very important element of brainwashing and cult mentality is to accept and defend the approved narrative with fervor, and completely expunge all foreign ideas in whole, in order to ensure the survival of the poisonous ideas.

Think about how the left is always focused on shutting down debate, shouting people down, never intellectually and honestly engaging ideas that differ from their own. Because if they did their ideas would crumble to scrutiny.

This is Hallmark cult behavior. I think the biggest defense against indoctrination isn't IQ or whatever else, but humility and meekness. Our culture is a breeding ground for pride and arrogance for this exact reason. Because it causes fissures, division, and cracks to form.

Western civilization was formed on the basis of spirited debate and philosophical discourse, which allows us to arrive at the best conclusions possible with the information available. This has been pretty much eradicated in the public square.

[–] 1 pt

Looool, i just have a quick search for the destini cult , fcking my sides .....Link Hallo (youtube.com)

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

Oh yeah. I forgot she also channeled inanimate objects like pillows and lamps. Good find. I think they're also pseudo-communists. That's one way they rope in fresh victims. There's a name for the "money system" but I can't remember what the hell it was called. Here's a video about it.


It's a really fascinating case study, they even have lots of their cult members publish videos online doing PR and damage control all the time. The most recent one I saw was 3 years ago so presumably they're still around.

It's seriously a fucking saga. There's an entire storyline and they raid forums that talk shit about them and stuff.

[–] 1 pt

Her ancestors had to outrun mastodons and sabretooths.

[–] 1 pt

Suck it, wakandans

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