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[–] 7 pts

I poor acid in my pool frequently to adjust the pH downward to 7.2-7.8. Chlorine does not work well as a sanitizer when the pH varies from that range. When you tune up pool water you correct problems in this order: 1. Alkalinity (baking soda to increase) 2. pH (hydrochloric acid to decrease) 3. Chlorine (bleach to increase, lots of choices but it is all hypochlorite in a chlorine pool)

Bleach is just the ticket for a heavily used pool, and should be added after sundown to allow it to do its job except for an emergency sanitizer boost similar to what appears to be shown.

So, am I missing some historical atrocity where someone wanted to damage their pool liner and equipment with a tremendous amount of acid?

[–] 4 pts (edited )

Chlorine works even better below 7.0, but your plaster and equipment will not be happy.

For the folks at home, not all "chlorine" is the same. Using "pucks" will always lead to problems because it's not just chlorine, but also cyanuric acid (aka 'conditioner'). Cyanuric acid doesn't break down so it builds up in your pool and as the levels get higher the effectiveness of the chlorine is reduced until you reach the tipping point and start having algae and/or cloudy water even though you're doing everything right. The pool boy/store is unlikely to know what's really going on and they have lots of invented terms like "chlorine lock" and products to sell you to fix the problem. The problem is pucks and if you use liquid chlorine you will never have that problem.

[–] 2 pts

I simultaneously siphon and fill the pool to adjust CyA down, but then have to redo alk and ph. I am not disciplined enough to go full-liquid in my sunny area, and too cheap to buy a liquid chlorinator.

These comments are too white. I apologize to OP and the diverse poal community for directing this discussion in such a way as to favor pooled persons over the not-yet-pooled. Let's stay on topic, people, and read the damn side bar. This is not who I am.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

I simultaneously siphon and fill the pool to adjust CyA down, but then have to redo alk and ph. I am not disciplined enough to go full-liquid in my sunny area, and too cheap to buy a liquid chlorinator.

You probably wouldn't do that if you lived in an area that charged much for water. In our area a 1/2 drain and fill would cost me about $62. In my pool I would have to do that every few weeks to keep cyanuric acid between 30 and 60 ppm. Each puck adds 3.3 ppm cyanuric acid per 10,000 gallons. My pool is 20,000 gallons, so going from 30 ppm to 60 ppm takes about 26 pucks.

[–] 1 pt

Pool guy here. You are correct.

[–] 0 pt

I'm new working in the pool industry, used to do ponds. Can confirm

[–] 5 pts

The racism is from the blacks. They shame each other for wanting to learn to swim. They accuse each other of trying to be white. We fish a few out of the ocean every year that waded in and got pulled in over their head. There are free classes at the Boys and Girls club, but the black kids don't come. Totally preventable and completely their own fault.

[–] 4 pts (edited )

Why don't a lot of black people know how to swim?

There are cultural and biological reasons for that

On top of my head:

1) Bone density; african males' bones are twice as dense as white women bones, and almost 1/3 more dense than white men's bones, on average, at similar age. Higher bone density doesn't help for "buoyancy" http://depts.washington.edu/bonebio/ASBMRed/structure.html

2) In pretty much every african country, going in the water is deemed dangerous, whether in rivers or ocean, because the water is loaded with all sorts of shits starting with dangerous species. So generally speaking, going for a lethal swim for fun isn't really a thing in africa, since it tends to be rather unhealthy, and it's not new

3) Reality is also that many blacks just don't want to learn a thing in western schools, swimming being one of them

[–] 3 pts

Those two things are mutually exclusive you can't be excluded from pools and be acid attacked in pools systematically. If the acid attack is one single instance then it has no statistical bearing. God nogs are dumb.

All it's because there are no (non-dilapidated) pools in fucking Compton or Trenton or Baltimore and if there were nogs would down in them. If you have ever seen an inner city public pool it's just shoulder to shoulder nogs, no swimming occurs, cooling purposes only (and probably sex, drugs and multiple homicide but you get the point).

[–] 2 pts


[–] [deleted] 2 pts

The pics of the guy pouring acid in a pool was from the 60s when a bunch of niggers jumped in a pool where they weren't wanted. Niggers have been rock fish since writing started.

[–] 2 pts

Nobody ever forced one to learn to swim.

[–] 3 pts

My middle school had a pool, I can smell the chlorine just thinking about it now. Swimming was part of the physical education classes we had. They had the lowest and easiest bars for a passing grade, I think they just had to prove they could stand, float and get to the ladder. Meanwhile, I had to do a 100 meter (I don't know the distance, it was the width of the pool, not the length) medley and retrieve a brick covered in rubber from the deep end. I failed that part, I just can't go 10 feet down unaided.

[–] 2 pts

I had the opportunity, to swim in white water streams as a child. I got real good and could even swim upstream against the current. I took it as a personal challenge. I still love to swim today even though I'm no where near my childhood streams.

[–] 1 pt

Retarded sheboon presents why she doesn't belong in a western country.

And blacks were killed by masturbation machines, too.

[–] 0 pt

BS. Blacks weren't allowed in White pools because they had their own.

[–] 0 pt

How cute, they mimic their owners' holohoax stories.

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