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[–] 14 pts

If they don’t complain constantly and blame others for their own failings, the would have to take responsibility for their own actions and poor outcomes. Can’t have that, can we.

[–] [deleted] 9 pts

When they wake up in the morning they sit up in bed, look at the dresser mirror and see a nigger staring back at them. That would make you cranky too.

[–] 7 pts

That's it on the nose. Also that many of those tiny heads have been filled with degenerate fantasy instead of fact. One of which is that by removing the "white man", blacks by default will magically acquire the white man's intelligence, industry and ingenuity in the same way they now collect his tax dollars.

[–] 1 pt

If they pass the mirror test

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

but.. but... but... white people commit those crimes too

[–] 2 pts

They complain because (((others))) tell them to complain. See it will work and out benefit us both, (((they))) say.

[–] 2 pts

It’s not in the nigger’s nature to be thankful or self-reflective.

[–] 2 pts

they want what you have

[–] 2 pts

We got what we have because we are what they aren't.

[–] 0 pt

You got what you have because 100 years ago men were real men and you are not. You will lose it all for your kids and grandkids. Nothing against you in particular, but I am just too fucking tired of every white guy being either brainwashed or a coward.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )

How exactly would we lose it? Besides government fuckery? What did they do back then that made them so much better? Physically worked harder? We have better technology and tools now so it's not necessary to rip boards with a hand saw. That's the course of human history and we aren't the first to get it easier than the Gen before us, regarding work.

Then back then we're harder and probably tougher than most men today. But so we're there great grandparents and so on.

So get off your soapbox faggot.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

A few things are going on.

1.) Blacks are both envious of and humiliated by White good looks and White smarts.

2.) The rules and standards of White society like learning arithmetic, being quiet and calm in public, paying bills on time, not abandoning your kids, etc. are too difficult for their low IQ, primitive natures. The rules of decent society really are oppressive to them.

3.) The jews agitate them against White society and the jews have made it impossible for Whites to enforce the rules and standards that allow their society to function.

[–] 1 pt

You've obviously never dealt with niggers, and low iq fuckwits. They always want more, you can give people a great deal, and they still want more. At some point one feels insulted, and at that point I just cut you off.

they always bitch about everything. beats me how we keep them down. they do that well enough on their own. no more free gibbs. let the kikes take care of them.

[–] 1 pt

The entitlement mentally breeds the thinking that they "deserve" more simply because they exist.

[–] 1 pt

Kill whitey mufugga

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