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[–] 4 pts

And if you go back further still the Irish launched regular slave raids on Britain, with St. Patrick the most famous slave taken from Britain to Ireland. Doesn’t really matter who was first or who was last, all societies practiced slavery at some point and suffered slavery at some point. But it doesn’t matter how or when it happened to any society if the members of those societies aren’t around anymore - I never suffered as a result of Cromwell selling many Irish into slavery, people in Cardiff today never suffered from Irish slave raids on their country over a thousand years ago, and the only Africans suffering from slavery are those still owned by Arabs on the Berber coast.

[–] 0 pt

And yet if the jew media didn't erase this 89% from history then the Irish would be getting their 'Reppparaaashuns'...

[–] 1 pt

From who, the brits? We’re supposedly the 4th richest people on earth now, while the brits are 25th. Now our figure is manipulated a bit tbf, but just goes to show what can be achieved when charity isn’t an option and you just have to stand on your own two feet as a nation. If the yanks give into those demands from your blacks all you do is make some crack dealers richer and make sure the crab bucket mentality lasts at least a few more generations.

[–] 0 pt

Do you personally feel like you are part of the 4th richest country?

[–] 4 pts (edited )

Man, those children from that era always have faces that look like they've lived 3 lives already, and they were all tough.

That one on the left. She's like 4 and already hates the government.

[–] 0 pt

Ah yes, all the photos of from the early 1600s are like that.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

You could think so much bigger. Arabs and mongols enslaved whites for centuries long before the US was a concept, nevermind rediscovered.

[–] 2 pts

BLM apologists will claim that Irish slaves in the Americas were not slaves but indentured servants, which is technically true, but so were the first black slaves, a fact that they conveniently overlook. Chattel slavery did not exist as such in British Common Law, so the first African slaves were also classed as indentured servants.

The conditions for both black and white slaves were identical. Both black and white were captured and taken from their homelands by violence. Both were forced into total servitude without the rights under law of a freeman, and were expected to obey in all things. The punishment for disobedience and escape attempts were equal, death in the case of escape, and finally, the period of indenture, two decades, for most people was well beyond their life expectancy.

The claim that whites were not really slaves is a mendacious lie.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Yep. I'm a decedent of white slaves brought to America.

I scoff at the blacks who want to fill sorry for themselves. Just pathetic.

[–] 0 pt

I believe the first slaves in America were bought with two barrels of whiskey.

[–] 0 pt

im glad they had a camera in 1619 to take a picture of those 3 kids like that. really lends to the credibility of the claim

[–] 0 pt
