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[–] 2 pts

Wow, hadn't heard of that before, had to look it up. Truly disgusting what is being done to our children but I have to side with a different rationale.

Is freedom = internet access?

You should never give a child freedom to do harm to themselves or others.

I learned about sex from porn around 12yrs old. That was my first exposure to it outside of a clinical sterile description from sex ed, and my parents were too up-tight to discuss it at all.

I had to give myself "the talk" but it didn't take long to figure it out once I was curious about it.
There was plenty of good literature on the subject and I read it until I understood. Even as a pre-teen without free access to information I understood porn was fantasy sex.
Likewise, depending my partners, my use of it has been on and off and I have always been repulsed by 90+% of what is out there similar to my views on science fiction with laser and explosion noises in space... I digress.

You should never give a child freedom to do harm to themselves or others.
Give your kids the right tools for the job.

Before 12 they should never even touch a computer.
Before 10 they should never touch a gun.
Before that,
Teach them to read and write with Books and Paper.


They'll be so much better off.

This is for the OP - https://www.reddit.com/r/intermittentfasting/
It's easy to take a negative stance towards others problems.
It should be equally easy to understand we have been raised in an informational blackout, without the proper tools or using the wrong tools can be harmful or fatal to the user.
Be kind.


[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Before 10 they should never touch a gun

No you are wrong. The other points I agree, but the gun one doesn't fly.

You likely have a good reason.....I would be interested to hear it.

[–] 1 pt

Or just give em an empty gun and teach them. Its better you teach them about it than they learning it themselves or by someone else.

[–] 0 pt

I said touch, not know...
Good gun safety starts with good gun knowledge.

Honestly everyone is different. Based on my experience 10 is a time in a kids life that is very important (double digits) and should be met with an equal level of responsibility.

I'm pretty sure I was playing with bb guns before 10 though so I guess I just see it as progressing from...

22's and going to shoot "real guns" with Dad.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Ok well at 8 my son and I milled a lower receiver for HIS AR15.

We went over the history of the constitution as the week before we had gone to DC and he read the original document to me.

After we were done I had him assemble it, and explain each part by its name, and what it did, and why it needed to.

Afterwords I fired the first mag to test it for function.

Then I had him shoot at various made targets so that he would gain the respect for it...know what it is capable of

First week of Jan before I left....he and one girl he likes wanted to go to the range.

He showed her how to shoot...explained it to her and showed her how to hold it. Proper trigger discipline and such.

After words he showed her how to clean it....explained it to her and since he was in a cast she did as instructed.

He is 11 now...sharing something I, his father had made sure he knew...he passed that knowledge to her.

Now soon as I get home she is saving money to buy bullets....of course I won't allow her to pay for them because that isn't what is right....

But I assure you that you nor anyone else can tell me that isn't wholesome as fuck