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I say this just because I want to start a discussion. I kind of want to hear from them what they think is wrong with the physics because that seems to be a main point for them. What brought Japan to its knees and destroyed two cities? What were those 2,121 tests that were done? What kind of events were they really? What about 49,000 cancer deaths directly attributed to domestic testing? Why is there a market for iron from sunken war ships to build medical equipment and scientific instruments? Why would people bother?

Mostly I care about the physics and the other questions are for people to answer if they feel they can't weigh in on that part. You don't have to know everything, but just tell us what you do know. Let's talk about it.

Anyways for the sake of the sub /u/BushChuck is a guy I disagree with. (yes I know that's actually a username).

I say this just because I want to start a discussion. I kind of want to hear from them what they think is wrong with the physics because that seems to be a main point for them. What brought Japan to its knees and destroyed two cities? What were those 2,121 tests that were done? What kind of events were they really? What about 49,000 cancer deaths directly attributed to domestic testing? Why is there a market for iron from sunken war ships to build medical equipment and scientific instruments? Why would people bother? Mostly I care about the physics and the other questions are for people to answer if they feel they can't weigh in on that part. You don't have to know everything, but just tell us what you do know. Let's talk about it. Anyways for the sake of the sub /u/BushChuck is a guy I disagree with. (yes I know that's actually a username).

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts

There are people who seriously believe we live on a flat Earth ... others who believe we never went to the moon. Having spent my career as a Minuteman ICBM guy, you get no argument from me. But you're fighting an unwinnable battle ... so many 'know' they're right and always being lied to. Go figure.

[–] 2 pts

Have worked with people like you (I think). Some serious fucking people for people acting out a grand charade.

[–] 1 pt

But what about the radiation belt that means we couldn't have gone to the moon! AmIrite guys?

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Even if it were partially true, this was the 60s. The US didn't care about human life if the nuke and space program were involved. Sometimes things that should kill people don't. Even though a lot of people died as a result of the nuclear tests a lot of people didn't who should have.

Plus they were traveling in a metal box. If they were smart they would have added mesh to the windows.

[–] 0 pt

I was being sarcastic.

[–] 1 pt

In the very near future we'll have reaction videos of flat earthers getting launched into space. Someone's bound to do it and make it a reality show or something. When that happens I expect them to shift to "we're living in a simulation". :)

[–] 1 pt

The right reality show can get a pretty big budget. DDG isn't playing nice with "highest budget reality tv show" but I know Game of Thrones gets $7 million per episode. Friends got $10 million. How can we makes this as compelling as Friends?

[–] 0 pt

I'd almost buy the not going to the moon thing. Like it would make sense to fake it. I would have. But it turns out we didn't and we actually did that. People use the idea of the moon landings being fake as an example of government being evil and lying to us about everything. I choose to not put limits on how evil I think the government can be so I have no problem with thinking that the government is irresponsible and evil enough to waste the money to actually go to the moon.

[–] 1 pt

Too many holes in the moon landings. That should be pretty obvious it was faked. You had nasa engineers saying it wasn't possible with the craft they had, but sure enough, "we went to the moon" Nasa seems to be a very expensive science project that produces nothing of any use here. A few billion dollars for some video feeds and pictures.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Well, it provides fringe benefits here and there, but so would spending billions of dollars on anything.

In fact if they hadn't spent the money the market would have used the resources somewhere and so those billions would have been expended on something and the associated fringe developments would have come with it. They would just be different and likely even more relevant to actual commercial processes.

The images of the alleged landers foot pad are enough. Absolutely pristine, not a single speck of dust. Go look at the image. In the first alleged landing, listen to the astroNot's talking to NASA, they mention the dust cloud coming up as they are about to touch down.

Just the one image is and that audio is enough for any sane reasonable person to at least have very serious doubts, but there is so much other evidence of their lies.

They might, might have sent an unmanned bot to do the laser bounce thing. Or they might have just found something already there to bounce lasers off from earth.

[–] 1 pt

Damn, I might be sold. I just watched PJ's "satirical" video about being a moon landing denier, but everything was legitimate complaints. The objects appearing in front of cross hairs supposedly etched into a lens are pretty damning.

[–] 0 pt

SO sitting in a room with a couple dozen buttons and knobs qualifies you as an expert on the veracity of nuclear weapons?

Hey, dipshit. You end a sentence with a full stop. Like this.

Not like this...

[–] 1 pt

LOL - no, watching the uneducated making fools of themselves makes me feel good. Enjoy.

[–] 1 pt

Ah, you're some sort of genius that spent his career baby sitting a 1960's console, and uses language like "lol"?

That about the speed of it, Lt. Professor?

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

There are also people that believe the Earth is flat... and then there's this tool: http://timecube.2enp.com/

[–] 2 pts

What the fuck

[+] [deleted] 1 pt
[–] 1 pt

He's offering $1,000 dollars to anyone who can disprove the harmonic cube. Sounds doable. The problem is you have to do it at the level that would convince him. Something tells me it would take more than $1,000 dollars worth of effort.

[–] 1 pt

Dude, that is so awesome, but how in the hell did you find THAT?!?! Fucking marshmallows! LOL!

[–] 3 pts

Japs don't deny being nuked. They're more honest than any ((government)) and could have turned their Holocaust into a guilt driven cash spinner for the next 100 years but did'nt. The burn shadows and effects on the Nips in the aftermath could'nt have been faked.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

What about 49,000 cancer deaths directly attributed to domestic testing

This is the real travesty... our government experiments with the lives of the general population with impunity as if we are expendable. I don't believe most people know the extent of nefarious activity out government has exercised in the name of "national security".

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

I don't believe most people know the extent of nefarious activity out government has exercised in the name of "national security".

Probably the vast majority of intelligent people have some idea. They simply bury it in the back of their head so they can look at themselves in the mirror for not having risen up against those assholes.

[–] 0 pt

If they were actually intelligent, they would have more than some idea. It's also true, we have the very government we deserve.

[–] 1 pt

48k deaths? That's Sunday at 2pm in Nigeria. That's nothing.

The population of the United States is over 400 millions, if you count the illegals. More than 49k people will die in traffic accidents next month.

[–] 0 pt

Directly associated deaths. The indirect deaths are around 600,000. People continued to have dairy farms in the area and as a result people were drinking milk with radioactive isotopes in it.

[–] 0 pt

Over what time period? I don't think you have a bastard clue what you are talking about.

How about some links?

You might think differently if it was one in your family.

[–] 0 pt

What a retarded thing to say. The point is that 49k deaths is too few to even be noticed.

It's a bullshit number.

[–] 1 pt

I was an Aviation Ordnanceman in the U.S. Navy for many yrs. I CAN assure you, the Nukes are VERY REAL and we have tons of 'em.

[–] 1 pt

You will only convince those that already believe they are real. You assuring people won't convince anyone that is already doubting it. Especially coming from someone that was in the military.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

There are many people who no longer believe anything told to them without actual evidence. This just proves how easily everyone believes something just because it was "official." No human being would ever imagine abusing this tactic..... right?

Nope, nukes are fucking bullshit and just another fear mongering tactic. You may say prove it, but I don't need to because I'm not the one making a claim that nukes exists, and all evidence for the existence of nukes pretty much comes from the fucking feds. How convenient.

Edit: Let's hypothetically imagine they aren't real for argument's sake regardless of what you believe. Imagine the implications, then ask yourself, is it possible they would actually be able to benefit by having people believe that our governments have this super bomb? People at government fucking salivate at the thought of scaring the living shit out of people to control them.