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[–] [Sticky] 10 pts

A set up for the dem scare-jump technique. Scare people into taking the dem solution to take away guns from everyone as the solution to prevent illegals from having guns.

[–] 2 pts

You won the internet today and it isn't even noon yet.

[–] 1 pt

Perfect answer. A dem appointed judge sides with/for a 2A issue is a huge red flag.

[–] 1 pt

100%. First thing I thought. Pure bait. The ones that are a problem were already carrying. Same as all the citizen felons.

[–] 1 pt

Inalienable rights granted by our creator would apply to any and all people, the bill of rights is just a legal recognition of these inalienable rights.

It makes perfect sense that aliens and criminals would share these rights but all the more reason for us to be an ethnostate for europeans which is precisely what our immigration standard was.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Ergo , in my world an illegal alien - while having those inalienable rights to 'possess' a gun - can also be prosecuted for 'carrying' that firearm on (public ) US territory as a 'Non-US citizen' or foreign-flagged armed combatant /

[–] 0 pt

If we declared an invasion I would say it is no contest that potential enemy combatants should be disarmed.

Or more specifically to be considered a peaceful entrant any migrants would need to surrender their arms as a sign of peaceful intent and those arms would be returned on exit or after a sufficient time without commiting a crime.

But I find it all a hassle, I say we finish trumps "wall" put some razor wire on it and put some auto guns designed to fire on anyone who reaches the top of the wall shooting down the length of the wall. And declare an invasion, genocide have been committed against us and as a result checkpoints designed to check paper work and ID would be mandated and an inquisition to exterminate traitors and become oversight in government would be created.

[–] 1 pt

Agreed, and along with a functioning secure wall, an actual photo-ID verified non-electronic (internet/ wifi accessible) voting system where-in any vote not 'lawfully' cast on the day of voting is null and void and unlawful voter malcontents shot.

In b4 - 'Whoah woah easy on there fella, enough of the alt-right unfounded deboonked conspiracy's and anti-semitisms'.

[–] 0 pt

If they can prioritize owning a gun and ammo, they can pay rent and buy their own food then, correct? What a damn shame...

[–] 0 pt

Great. Just give the illegal aliens/enemy combatants weapons and ammo. What a joke.

[–] 1 pt

They can also vote, get a drivers license, quick approval bank loans and an automatic job with tyson meats.

[–] 0 pt

And free niggerversity with affirmative action.

What a joke.

[–] 1 pt

IKR, All due respect - the Country is fcked. Even in just 10-15 years time i hate to imagine when all these faggot, furies and lgbtqt-p troons are in positions of authority throughout society along with all the other bi-poc nigger shit skins. Utter Weimar/ Sud Afrika vibes.

[–] 0 pt

What that judge really did was reaffirm the 2A for citizens.

[–] 0 pt

Not really, it's deliberate double speak. Similar how illegals were not mandated for the vax because 'they were not US citizens' therefore 'US policy requirements could not be enforced on a non-US citizen'.

[–] 0 pt

"Well look, anyone who is in the country can get a gun and to change that, you'll need to change the Second Amendment"

Hegelian Dialectic playing out again. Though, I don't think there are that many retards that we'd throw the BoR down the drain to actually stop illegals from legally owning a weapon before we'd get rid of the illegals and close the methods they are using to get in. I have been very wrong before.