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[Democrat Governor Facing Calls of Impeachment from Elon Musk After Attack on 2A](https://archive.today/S5B56) [Source Article](https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/democrat-governor-facing-calls-impeachment-musk-attack-2a/) [National Association for Gun Rights Files Lawsuit Against New Mexico Governor Over Emergency Order Banning Firearms](https://archive.today/6MG2K) [Source Article](https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/national-association-gun-rights-files-lawsuit-against-new/) [New Mexico Governor’s Unconstitutional Gun Grab So Over the Top That Far Left Rep. Ted Lieu and Gun-Grabber David Hogg Are Calling Her Out](https://archive.today/ewwZA) [Source Article](https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/new-mexico-governors-unconstitutional-gun-grab-so-top/) [Anyone Who Complies with Illegal, Unconstitutional Edicts Like the One Just Announced by New Mexico’s Governor is Complicit in America’s Slide Into Totalitarianism](https://archive.ph/RUF8w) [Source Article](https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/anyone-who-complies-illegal-unconstitutional-edicts-like-one/)

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt (edited )

It says THE GREATER of two-hundred (200) registered voters or two percent of the registered voters of the county. The 200 is a minimum requirement in a county where 2% of the population is less than 200 (which would be a population of 10,000). I imagine you would need quite a few more than 200 signatures in most counties.

I also wonder what would actually happen if you theoritically forced the grand jury to convene. Does it not still go to the local DA to prosecute? I admit I don't know, but I assume it would.