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[–] 0 pt

Just like the US voted for Biden?

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Get real, europe has far right parties, since decades now, running in every fucking elections, the US has none

And to this day they still get around 30% for the presidential elections, and 15 years ago it was even worse, it was half of that

And it's not because of election rigging, everybody can see the blatant cheat in the US, where is it in europe?

[–] 0 pt

None of what you describe discredits what I said. Maybe I’m overly cynical, but I don’t trust anything state and federal governments put out. Elections being one of them.

You really think Merkel won every time?

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Anti immigration parties are still fringe all over western europe, look at their own numbers, number of adherents

Sure it's improving, but we're not there yet, normies aren't voting for them en masse

What now? How is that the government's fault?

So yeah it discredits your theory about election rigging, that's not the main problem, and again show me the shadow of an evidence that election rigging is widespread and systematic in western europe