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a small tribute to our gone but not forgotten brother

a small tribute to our gone but not forgotten brother

(post is archived)

[–] [Sticky] 4 pts (edited )
[–] 3 pts

Is this real? Is this Suplex' stone and gravesite?

Nice job!

Fuck all yall!

[–] 6 pts

Is this real? Is this Suplex' stone and gravesite?

Sadly this is just a PhotoShop creation of a stone I would like Suplex to have. I think the concept looks good and it would be nice to do it proper. This design could be used to make a sandblasting template in rubber sheet material and etched into a stone. I also thought about trying this as an engraving using a carbon dioxide laser, but that probably won't get much depth to the design if I tried. Maybe a chemical etching process could do something nice. Just some things to explore.

[–] 2 pts

The price sounds right. Shipping could get expensive.

Sandblasting with a template sounds most feasible to me. You are probably the only POALer with access to a laser powerful enough to try it. Sandblasters are more prevalent.

A plain granite stone from a stone center would be machined flat and easier to work with using a sandblaster or laser.

Your laser idea might be the ticket. It wouldn't take much depth to hold a durable epoxy based light blue paint in the etched areas, and laser could leave a "rough" enough surface that the paint would grab onto for many years.

[–] 3 pts

Sounds like we should open up this discussion to see if other Poalrs can help come up with a way we could get this stone made ourselves and avoid dealing with companies who don't approve of the message or the man. I can certainly do what I can to try out the laser on some stone to see how well the engrave and fill method can work. My laser has a max object size of 20"x12" and a height of only 3" so that kind of leaves us with smallish stone slabs. I'll see if I can get some granite or slate and see if it works out.

We'll need to touch base with @Theodore_Kent to figure out the logistics for Suplex's family. The hard part will be where we make this happen but keep all of our identities safe and secure in the process. I don't want anyone getting doxxed or worse from this.

[–] 2 pts

Acid etching might be the only way to do something that large. I love the design though.

I'm not super familiar with either stone working, nor with laser machines but I've got an idea for each.

Is it possible to do the laser etching in parts? Possibly by removing the floor of the box and moving the rock under it as needed. I'm guessing the laser looks similar to a 3d printer.

Another option is find someone with Dremel skills.

[–] 2 pts

It is possible to remove the floor on my laser, but the stand it is on makes that useless since there is a floor (shelf) under the laser floor still. It would only gain about 3/4" extra height. Granite and slate will be possible to surface engrave because the laser causes the mineral crystals to explode away, but other stone types might do very little or even nothing.

Sandblasting and acid etching might be the only way to get anything more than a surface engraving. Never tried acid etching stone and the results will definitely vary by each stone's chemistry so who knows how that will go.

A Dremel with a diamond engraving bit could work well with a template to keep the design proper. Would still be a slow process but at least we have options.

[–] 3 pts

I have experience in carving stone

[–] 1 pt

Awesome! Do you have any suggestions for us inexperienced stone carvers? I'm pretty sure my laser idea isn't going to give the results I want after doing some more research on laser engraving natural stone. It can leave a visible surface engraving on dark material, but it will not have much 3D depth to it and may only end up with a roughened texture. Slate seems to give the best results, but I'd like to make it as close to the PhotoShop image I made for this post as possible.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Just get some sandblasting resist ( glass art supply ) and sandblast it in. It’s like thick plastic film, it’s rubbery, resists being abraded. You can do very nice details with it. Fast and easy. You could even laser cut the template. Whole job should be an hour or two, plus finding a rock.

I envisioned it cemented halfway into the sidewalk, just enough to trip on. Maybe that’s just me…

[–] 2 pts

I love it. That would be very cool and I am pretty sure that he would love it too!

[–] 3 pts

I love it. That would be very cool and I am pretty sure that he would love it too!

Yeah, I think this is what Suplex would have wanted to leave behind for future generations. He lived life on his own terms and this rock keeps that spirit alive. We just have to figure out how to make it real now.

[–] 1 pt

This is the defenition of amazing.