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Never trust "someone else's computer" or for them to honor your privacy. If you have anything you consider "private" don't have it on something like google drive and if you do, make sure it is encrypted.

Archive: https://archive.today/oQx0u

From the post:

>Google’s Gemini AI has been accused of scanning PDF files hosted on Google Drive without active permission or initiation, sparking yet another discussion around AI safety and privacy concerns. Senior Advisor on AI Governance Kevin Bankson took to X to share concerns over an automatically generated AI summary in a private and confidential tax return.

Never trust "someone else's computer" or for them to honor your privacy. If you have anything you consider "private" don't have it on something like google drive and if you do, make sure it is encrypted. Archive: https://archive.today/oQx0u From the post: >>Google’s Gemini AI has been accused of scanning PDF files hosted on Google Drive without active permission or initiation, sparking yet another discussion around AI safety and privacy concerns. Senior Advisor on AI Governance Kevin Bankson took to X to share concerns over an automatically generated AI summary in a private and confidential tax return.

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts

If your store your data in the cloud (somebody else's server), then you have only yourself to blame for it being used against your will. Everyone who thinks old school removable media is an antiquated and backwards idea really needs to rethink their stance. It was and still is a much better solution to long terms storage that makes it much harder for niggerfaggotkikes to grab and use your data against your will. Reject all things (((cloud))).

[–] 2 pts

Exactly why I have my own "cloud". Fuck Google, Amazon, Microsoft... let's just include all big cloud.