Jaguar will now be known as an expensive car for Faggots and Pedos. Enjoy that new market you retards.
Not to mention, they were bought by tata motors after Ford sold them. I call em faguars, now I can say that with even more confidence
If I knew nothing about jaguar, how tf am I'm I supposed to know what they sell?
Yes, I know what they are doing but from a fundamental aspect, it doesn't even have a car. If knew nothing, I'd assumed it was some sort of make up/"beauty" company
Looking at this ad, I would thinking a gay night club, some sex theme store or some clothing line. Sad thing is I can see the HIV just watching the ad.
Its the meme. "And how is this going to help us sell XXXXX", "Sell XXXX?" (Thrown out of window).
Oh I know about the store toss thing and I've seen this already modified. Life imitates art 100%
We'll see what happens with the vintage Jag collectors. I think that will show the future of the brand.
It's very spicy for them to defend their horrible and wrong decisions by blaming everyone else and calling them wrong and ignorant, which at its heart is an entirely French thing for them to do.
claiming the car maker needed to step away from 'traditional automotive stereotypes'
it is not intended to depict Jaguar's intended customers but added: 'We do need to attract a new customer base.'
I seem to recall another too big to exist corporation doing something vaguely similar. It didn't end well.
So executives today believe that corporate identity has no connection to consumers and rebranding reaches out to new customers without alienating existing customers?
Can't wait until I see the bumper stickers "I bought this before I knew"
the car firm reinvents itself to appeal to a younger audience of car buyers
LOL. I hate to be a kill joy, but has anyone noticed that young people still live at home in their 40's not able to afford a house? What do these execs think? These young car buyers will be able to afford more than a Spark, Mirage, or Rio?
Fixed Jaguar ad (
Jaguar meme (
(post is archived)